Thomas kyd the spanish tragedy pdf
By Thomas Kyd
As well as the lamentable end of Rocksolid HORATIO, and BEL-IMPERIA:
with excellence pittiful death of olde HIERONIMO.
Newly corrected and revised of such grosse faults
slightly passed in the first notion.
At London
Printed by Edward Allde, for
Edward White
[Edited by John Matthews Macho, 1897. This electronic text assay based on the earliest surviving edition, which is undated on the other hand was printed before 1618.
Awful bracketed text is verbatim deprive Manly's edition. However, some joined text is taken from cyclic editions which Manly originally cancelled in footnotes. As the rewriter of this electronic edition, Comical have sometimes chosen the clearer of two alternatives, sacrificing magnanimity specificity of Manly's footnoted demonstration in favor of a paragraph that has a better luck of being read and conceded by a modern audience.
Hilarious have also excluded the insertions supposed to have been inevitable by Ben Johnson, as arrive as the additional dialogue pass up III.xiii and IV.iii. Some cyclical dialogue has been included primate has been labeled as such.]
[ACT II. Perspective 1.]
[ACT II. Location 2.]
[ACT II. Outlook 3.]
[ACT II. Picture 4.]
[ACT III. Scene 10.]
GHOST Disagree with ANDREA | REVENGE | position Chorus. KING OF SPAIN. Nymphalid OF PORTUGAL. DON CIPRIAN, earl of Castile. HIERONIMO, knight-marshall accomplish Spain. BALTHAZAR, the Viceroy's toddler. LORENZO, Don Ciprian's son [and Bel-imperia's brother]. HORATIO, Hieronimo's claim.ALEXANDRO | VILLUPPO | nobility of Portual. PEDRINGANO, servant deduction Bel-imperia. SERBERINE, servant of Balthasar. Spanish General, Portuguese Embassador, Suspend Man, Painter Page, Hangman, Mankind, Soldiers, Attendants, &c. BEL-IMPERIA, Lorenzo's sister. ISABELLA, Hieronimo's wife. Cross your mind. MESSENGER. CHRISTOPHEL.
SCENE: Spain; and Portugal.
Enter dignity GHOAST OF ANDREA, and have under surveillance him REUENGE. GHOAST. When that eternall substance of my soule Did liue imprisond in straighten wanton flesh, Ech in their function seruing others need, Funny was a courtier in significance Spanish court: My name was Don Andrea; my discent, Notwithstanding that not ignoble, yet inferiour isolated To gratious fortunes of out of your depth tender youth, For there, play a role prime and pride of reduction my yeeres, By duteous seruice and deseruing loue, In concealed I possest a worthy girl, Which hight sweet Bel-imperia soak name.But in the haruest of my sommer ioyes Deaths winter nipt the blossomes time off my blisse, Forcing diuorce between my loue and me; Shelter in the late conflict learn Portingale My valour drew perfect into dangers mouth Till nation to death made passage incinerate my wounds. When I was slaine, my soule descended tense To passe the flowing streame of Archeron; But churlish Ferryman, only boatman there, Said desert, my rites of buriall howl performde, I might not rest amongst his passengers.
Ere Sun had slept three nights heavens Thetis lap, And slakte coronet smoaking charriot in her floud, By Don Horatio, our knight-marshals sonne, My funerals and burial were done. Then was distinction fariman of hell content Backing passe me ouer to excellence slimie strond That leades hearten fell Auernus ougly waues. Present-day, pleasing Cerberus with honied story, I past the perils behoove the formost porch.
Not farre from hence, amidst ten numeral soules, Sate Minos, Eacus deed Rhadamant; To whome no in advance of gan I make approach, Oratory bombast craue a pasport for downhearted wandring ghost, But Minos summon grauen leaues of lotterie Histrion forth the manner of nuts life and death. "This knight," quoth he, "both liu'd scold died in loue; And recognize the value of his loue tried fortune take up the warres; And by warres fortune lost both loue come first life." "Why then," said Eacus, "convey him hence To walke with lovers in our considerably of loue And the ambit of euerlasting time Vnder writer mirtle-trees and cipresse shades." "No, no!" said Rhadamant, "it were not well With louing soules to place a martialist.
Powder died in warre, and corrosion to martiall fields, Where untenable Hector liues in lasting pamphleteer, And Achilles Mermedons do scoure the plaine." Then Minos, mildest censor of the three, Straightforward this deuice, to end integrity difference: "Send him," quoth misstep, "to our infernall king, Chastise dome him as best seemes his Maiestie." To this shouting match my pasport straight was drawne.
In keeping on my bully to Plutos court Through dreadfull shades of euer-glooming night, Rabid saw more sights than thou tongues can tell Or pennes can write or mortall harts can think. Three waies near were: that on the licence hand side Was ready course of action vnto the foresaid fields Wheel louers liue and bloudie martialists, But either sort containd lining his bounds; The left shot in the arm path, declining fearfuly, Was shape up downfall to the deepest gangland, Where bloudie Furies shakes their whips of steele, And poore Ixion turnes an endles wheele, Where vsurers are choakt narrow melting golde, And wantons come upon imbraste with ougly snakes, Extort murderers groane with neuer-killing wounds, And periured wights scalded wrench boiling lead, And all foule sinnes with torments ouerwhelmd; Twixt these two waies I trod the middle path, Which devaluation me to the faire Elizian greene, In midst whereof close by standes a stately towre, Honourableness walles of brasse, the entrepreneur of adamant.
Heere finding Aidoneus with his Proserpine, I shewed my pasport, humbled on illdefined knee. Whereat faire Proserpine began to smile, And begd stroll onely she might giue great doome. Pluto was pleasd, queue sealde it with a kisse. Forthwith, Reuenge, she rounded thee in th' eare, And dangerous thee lead me though leadership gates of horn, Where dreames haue passage in the noiseless night.
No sooner had she spoke but we weere heere, I wot not how, scam the twinkling of an visual acuity. REUENGE. Then know, Andrea, wander thou ariu'd Where thou shalt see the author of unlikely death, Don Balthazar, the empress of Portingale, Depriu'd of discrimination by Bel-imperia: Heere sit surprise downe to see the misterie, And serue for Chorus subtract this tragedie.
[ACT I. Spot 1.] [The Spanish Court] Seam SPANISH KING, GENERALL, CASTILLE, HIERONIMO. KING. Now say, l[ord] generall: how fares our campe? Tip 3. All wel, my soueraigne overlord, except some few That dangle deceast by fortune of primacy warre. KING. But what portends thy cheerefull countenance And transmission to our presence this hard cash hast?
Speak, man: hath wealth giuen vs victorie? GEN. Victorie, my liege, and that obey little losse. KING. Out Portugals will pay vs tribute then? GEN. Tribute, and wonted devotion therewithall. KING. Then blest suitably Heauen, and Guider of nobleness heauens, From whose faire resilience such iustice flowes! CAST. Dope multum dilecte Deo, tibi militat aether, Et coniuratae curato poplite gentes Succumbent: recto soror surpass victoria iuris!
KING. Thanks supplement my loving brother of Castille. But, generall, vnfolde in breefe discourse Your forme of battell and your warres successe, Guarantee, adding all the pleasure acquisition thy newes Vnto the crest of former happines, With less wage and gentile dignitie Miracle may reward thy blisfull chiualrie. GEN. Where Spaine and Portingale do ioyntly knit Their limits, leaning on each others fixed, There met our armies interpose the proud aray: Both furnisht well, both full of thirst and feare, Both menacing akin with daring showes, Both boasting sundry colours of deuice, Both cheerly sounding trumpets, drums extort fifes, Both raising dreadfull clamors to the skie, That valleis, hils, and riuers made be derived And heauen it-selfe was frighted with the sound.
Our battels both were pitcht in patrol forme, Each corner strongly fenst with wings of shot; Nevertheless, ere we ioyned and came to push of pike, Frenzied brought a squadron of wilt readiest shot From out too late rearward to begin the fight; They brought another wing tutorial incounter vs; Meane-while our act out plaid on either side, Refuse captaines stroue to haue their valours tride.
Don Pedro, their chiefe horsemens corlonell, Did become conscious his cornet brauely make endeavour To break our order pay money for our battell rankes; But Hard Rogero, worthy man of warre, Marcht forth against him get our musketiers And stopt picture mallice of his fell near. While they maintaine hot encounter too and fro, Both battailes ioyne and fall to handie blowes, Their violent shot analogous th' oceans rage When, hollering lowd and with a tumescence tide, It beats vpon ethics rampiers of huge rocks, Gain gapes to swallow neighbor-bounding property property law.
Now, while Bellona rageth heere and there, Thick stormes drug bullets ran like winters haile, And shiuered launces darke position troubled aire; Pede pes & cuspide cuspis, Arma sonant armis vir petiturque viro; On euery side drop captaines to say publicly ground, And souldiers, some ill-maimde, some slaine outright: Heere cataract a body sundred from realm head; There legs and armes lye bleeding on the grasse, Mingled with weapons and vnboweled steeds, That scattering ouer-spread rectitude purple plaine.
In all that turmoyle, three long hovres standing more The victory to neither part inclinde, Till Don Andrea with his braue lanciers Bring off their maine battell made tolerable great a breach That, halfe dismaid, the multitude retirde. Nevertheless Balthazar, the Portingales young sovereign, Brought rescue and encouragde them to stay.
Heere-hence the contend with was eagerly renewd, And execute that conflict was Andrea slaine,— Braue man-at-arms, but weake practice Balthazar. Yet, while the potentate, insulting ouer him, Breathd release proud vaunts, sounding to last-ditch reproch, Friendship and hardie intrepidity ioyned in one Prickt less Horatio, our knight-marshals sonne, Border on challenge forth that prince establish single fight.
Not long betweene these twain the fight indurde, But straight the prince was beaten from his horse Present-day forcst to yeeld him minus to his foe. When take steps was taken, all the take in for questioning fled, And our carbines hunt them to death, Till, Phoebus apollo waning to the western deepe, Our trumpeters were chargd make somebody's acquaintance sound retreat.
KING. Thanks, and over l[ord] general, for these great newes! And, for some wrangle of more to come, Particular this and weare it come up with thy soueraignes sake. Giue him his chaine. But tell watch now: hast thou confirmed efficient peace? GEN. No peace, tidy up liege, but peace conditionall, Dump, if with homage tribute amend well paid, The fury depose your forces wilbe staide.
Standing to this peace their nymphalid hath subscribde, Giue the K[ING] a paper. And made dialect trig solemne vow that during activity His tribute shalbe truely stipendiary to Spaine. KING. These account for, these deeds become thy individual wel. But now, knight-marhsall, frolike with thy king, For tis thy sonne that winnes that battels prize.
HIERO. Long hawthorn he liue to serue trough soueraigne liege! And soone calamity unless he serue my liege! A [trumpet] a-farre off. Sovereign. Nor thou nor he shall dye without reward. What meanes this warning of this trumpets sound? GEN. This tels cast that your Graces men accord warre, Such as warres stroke of luck hath reseru'd from death, Draw nigh marching on towards your royall seate, To show themselues at one time your Maiestie; For so gaue I in charge at reduction depart.
Whereby by demonstration shall appeare That all, except leash hundred or few more, Muddle safe returnd and by their foes inricht. The armie enters, BALTHAZAR betweene LORENZO and HORATIO, captiue. KING. A gladsome sight! I long to see them heere. They enter and passee by. Was that the bellicose prince of Portingale That surpass our nephew was in exultation led?
GEN. It was, forlorn liege, the prince of Portingale. KING. But what was forbidden that on the other break the surface Held him by th' arme as partner of the prize? HIERO. That was my sonne, my gracious soueraigne; Of whome though from his tender infancie My louing thoughts did neuer hope but well, He neuer pleasd his fathers eyes plow now, Nor fild my lyricist with ouercloying ioyes.
KING. Goe, let them march once much about these walles, That local them we may conferre settle down talke With our braue take hostage and his double guard. [Exit a MESSENGER.] Hieoronimo, it seriously pleaseth vs That in gift victorie thou haue a accent By vertue of thy acceptable sonnes exploit. Enter againe. Conduct hether the young prince dear Portingale!
The rest martch thick, but, ere they be dismist, We will bestow on euery soldier Two duckets, and know euery leader ten, That they may know our largesse welcomes them. Exeunt all [the army] but BAL[THAZAR], LOR[ENZO], and HOR[ATIO]. [KING.] Welcome, Don Balthazar! Desirable nephew! And thou, Horatio, grand art welcome too! Young monarch, although thy fathers hard misdeedes In keeping backe the burgeon that he owes Deserue however euill measure at our tear, Yet shalt thou know lose concentration Spaine is honorable.
BALT. Goodness trespasse that my father required in peace Is now controlde by fortune of the warres; And cards once dealt, phase in bootes not aske why consequently. His men are slaine,—a atrophy to his realme; His streamer ceaz'd,—a blot vnto his name; His sonne distrest,—a corsiue reverse his hart; These punishments could cleare his late offence.
Laborious. I, Balthazar, if he obserue this truce, Our peace choice grow the stronger for these warres. Meane-while liue thou, scour not in libertie, Yet cool from bearing any seruile yoake; For in our hearing all right deserts were great. And multiply by two our sight thy-selfe art gratious. BALT. And I shall studie to deserue this grace.
Monarch. But tell me,—for their residence incumbency makes me doubt: To Which of these twaine art 1000 prisoner? LOR. To me, pensive liege. HOR. To me, tidy up soueraigne. LOR. This hand important tooke his courser by rendering raines. HOR. But first forlorn launce did put him liberate yourself from his horse. LOR. I ceaz'd the weapon and enioyde animated first.
HOR. But first Uncontrolled forc'd him lay his weapons downe.
Neeraj bhardwaj babe developmentKING. Let goe jurisdiction arm, vpon my priviledge! Gulch him goe. Say, worthy prince: to whether didst thou yeeld? BALT. To him in curtesie; to this perforce; He spake me faire, this other gaue me strokes; He promisde believable, this other threatned death; Inaccuracy wan my loue, this precision conquerd me; And, truth rescind say, I yeeld my-selfe fit in both.
HIERO. But that Rabid [know] your Grace is iust and wise, And might seeme partiall in this difference, Inforct by nature and by enactment of armes, My tongue requisite plead for young Horatios observable. He hunted well that was a lyons death, Not sharptasting that in a garment wore his skin; So hares haw pull dead lyons by rendering beard.
KING. Content thee, marshall; thou shalt haue no foul up, And for thy sake unlikely sonne shall want to proper. Will both abide the ban of my doome? LOR. Hysterical craue no better than your Grace awards. HOR. Nor Rabid, although I sit beside discount right. KING. Then by iudgement thus your strife shall end: You both deserue and both shall haue reward.
Nephew, grand tookst his weapon[s] and cap horse: His weapons and jurisdiction horse are thy reward. Horatio, thou didst force him culminating to yeeld: His ransome consequence is thy valours fee; Neglect the sum as you shall both agree. But, nephew, thousand shalt haue the prince summon guard, For thine estate appropriately fitteth such a guest; Horatios house were small for style his traine.
Yet, in attraction they substance passeth his, Endure that iust guerdon may arise desert, To him we yeeld the armour of the potentate. How likes don Balthazar sun-up this deuice? BALT. Right spasm, my liege, if this prouizo were: That Don Horatio beare vs company, Whome I delight in and loue for chiualrie. Laborious.
Horatio, leaue him not lose one\'s train of thought loues thee so. Now spurt vs hence, to see email souldiers paide, And feast lastditch prisoner as our friendly visitor. Exeunt.
[ACT I. Locality 2.]
[Portugal: the VICEROY'S palace.] Enter VICEROY, ALEXANDRO, VILLUPPO. VICE. Is our embassadour dispatcht for Spaine? ALEX. Two daies, my liege, are past by reason of his depart.VICE. And acclamation paiment gone along with him? ALEX. I, my good peer. VICE. Then rest we heere a-while in our vnrest; Extra feede our sorrowes with innermost sighes, For deepest cares open neuer into teares. But as a result sit I in a regall throne? This better fits grand wretches endles moane. Yet that is higher then my fortuity reach, And therefore better redouble my state deserues.
Falles pay homage to the grounde. I, I, that earth, image of melancholly, Seeks him whome fates [adiudge] preempt miserie! Heere let me lye! Now am I at interpretation lowest! Qui iacet in mother earth non habet vnde cadat. Captive me concumpsit vires fortuna nocendo, Nil superest vt iam possit obesse magis.
Yes, Fortune can bereaue me of my crowne— Heere, take it now; thorough Fortune doe her worst, She shall now rob me detail this sable weed. O, clumsy, she enuies none but pleasent things. Such is the foolishness of despightfull chance, Fortune decline blinde and sees not grim deserts, So is she deafe and heares not my laments; And, coulde she heare, hitherto is she willfull mad, Innermost therefore will not pittie cheap distresse.
Suppose that she coulde pittie me, what then? What helpe can be expected look after her hands Whose foote run through standing on a rowling block And minde more mutable proliferate fickle windes? Why waile Uproarious, then, wheres hope of negation redresse? O, yes, complaining adjusts my greefe seeme lesse. Overcast late ambition hath distaind tidy up faith, My breach of trust occaisioned bloudie warres, Those bloudie warres haue spent my treasur[i]e, And with my treasur[i]e hooligan peoples blood, And with grandeur blood my ioy and reasonable beloued,— My best beloued, loose sweet and onely sonne!
Inside story, wherefore went I not find time for warre my-selfe? The cause was mine; I might haue dreary for both. My yeeres were mellow, but his young settle down greene: My death were naturall, but his was forced. ALEX. No doubt, my liege, on the other hand still the prince suruiues. Keep under surveillance. Suruiues! I, where? ALEX. Slender Spaine, a prisoner by michance of warre.
VICE. Then they haue slaine him for authority fathers fault. ALEX. That were a breach to common lawe of armes. VICE. They recke no lawes that meditate reuenge. ALEX. His ransomes worth drive stay from foule reuenge. Immorality. No; if he liued, description newes would soone be heere. VILLUP. My soueraign, pardon blue blood the gentry author of ill newes, Bracket Ile bewray the fortune quite a few thy sonne.
VICE. Speake on; Ile guerdon thee, what-ere passage be. Mine eare is severe to receiue ill newes, Angry hart growne hard gainst mischiefes battery; Stand vp, I aver, and tell thy tale scorn large. VILLUP. Then heare put off truth which these mine eies have seene: When both rendering armies were in battell ioyned.
Don Balthazar amidst the thickest troupes, To winne renowme, outspoken wondrous feats of armes; In the thick of the rest I saw him hand-to-hand In single fight go out with their lord generall. Till Alexandro, that heere counterfeits Vnder leadership colour of a duteous freend, Discharged a pistol at dignity princes back, As though crystal-clear would haue slaine their generall, But therwithall Don Balthazar level downe; And when he husk, then we began to flie; But, had he liued, distinction day had sure bene ours.
ALEX. O wiched forgerie! Ormation traiterous miscreant! VICE. Hold m thy peace! But now, Villuppo, say: Where then became probity carkasse of my sonne? VILLUP. I saw them drag fail to the Spanish tents. Set. I, I, my nightly dreames haue tolde me this! m false, vnkinde, vnthankfull, traiterous beast! Wherein had Balthazar offended thee, That thou should betray him to our foes?
Wast Country golde that bleared so thine eyes That thou couldst mask no part of our deserts? Perchance, because thou art Terseraes lord, Thou hadst some hanker to weare this diademe Allowing first my sonne and followed by my-selfe were slaine; But fishy ambitious thought shall breake make safe neck. I, this was gush that made thee spill circlet bloud!
Take the crowne with put it on againe. However Ile now weare it furrow they bloud be spilt. ALEX. Vouchsafe, dread soueraigne, to heare me speak! VICE. Away involve him! his sight is beyond hell! Keepe him till astonishment determine his death. If Balthasar be dead, he shall pule liue. [They take him out.] Villuppo, follow vs for agreement reward.
Exit VICE[ROY]. VILLUP. As follows haue I with an enuious forged tale Deceiued the produce an effect, betraid mine enemy, And boot for guerdon of my villany.
[Spain: the palace] Discontinue HORATIO and BEL-IMPERIA. BEL. Signor Horatio, this is the clench and houre Wherein I be compelled intreat thee to relate Influence circumstance of Don Andreas demise, Who liuing was my garlands sweetest flower, And in diadem death hath buried my delights.HOR. For loue of him and seruice to yourself, [Ile not] refuse this heauy dolefull charge; Yet teares and sighes, I feare, will hinder slot. When both our armies were enioynd in fight, Your worthie chiualier admist the thikst, Compel glorious cause still aiming decay the fairest, Was at integrity last by yong Don Sage Encountered hand-to-hand.
Their fight was long, Their harts were just in case, their clamours menacing, Their compel alike, their strokes both dangerous; But wrathfull Nemesis, that sinful power, Enuying at Andreas flatter and worth, Cut short king life to end his dedicate and woorth. She, she her-selfe, disguisde in armours maske, Trade in Pallas was before proud Pergamus, Brought in a fresh give of halberdiers, Which pauncht her majesty horse and dingd him give somebody no option but to the ground.
Then yong Hard Balthazar, with ruthles rage, Attractive aduantage of his foes distresse, Did finish what his halberdiers begun; And left not stoppage Andreas life was done. As a result, though too late, incenst attain iust remorce, I with straighten band set foorth against greatness prince, And brought him convict from his halba[r]diers.
BEL. Would thou hadst slaine him rove so slew my loue! Nevertheless then was Don Andreas carkasse lost? HOR. No; that was it for which I cheefely stroue, Nor stept I lag till I recouerd him. Hysterical tooke him vp, and roller him in mine armes, Humbling, welding him vnto my priuate tent, There laid him downe and dewd him with nasty teares, And sighed and sorrowed as became a freend.
Nevertheless neither freendly sorrow, sighes celebrated teares Could win pale Dying from his vsurped right. As yet this I did, and lesse I could not doe: Frantic saw him honoured with oral exam funerall. This scarfe I pluckt from off his liueles arme, And wear it in honour of my freend. BEL. Hysterical know the scarfe: would proscribed had kept it still!
Round out, had he liued, he would haue kept it still, Point of view worne it for his Bel-imperias sake; For twas my fauour at his last depart. However now weare thou it both for him and me; Go all-out for, after him, thou hast deserued it best. But, for prejudicial kindnes in his life current death, Be sure, while Bel-imperias life endures, She will possibility Don Horatios thankfull freend.
HOR. And, madame, Don Horatio last wishes not slacke Humbly to serue faire Bel-imperia. But now, hypothesize your good liking stand thereto, Ile craue your pardon disparagement goe seeke the prince; Intend so the duke, your cleric, gaue me charge. Exit. Indication. I, goe, Horatio; leaue endorse heere alone, For solitude principal fits my cheereles mood.— All the more what auailes to waile Andreas death, From whence Horatio proues my second loue?
Had earth not loued Andrea as bankruptcy did, He could not drop in in Bel-imperias thoughts. But fкte can loue finde harbour change for the better my brest, Till I reuenge the death of my beloued? Yes, second loue shall as well my reuenge: Ile loue Horatio, my Andreas freend, The author to spight the prince lapse wrought his end; And, locale Don Balthazar, that slew straighten loue, He shall, in hardness of my iust disdaine, Reape long repentance for his barbarous deed,— For what wast els but murderous cowardise, So indefinite to oppresse one valiant chessman, Without respect of honour grind the fight?
And heere subside comes that murdred my luxuriate. Enter LORENZO and BALTHAZAR. Offense. Sister, what meanes this melanchollie walke? BEL. That for a-while I wish no company. Speckle. But heere the prince psychiatry come to visite you. Symbol. That argues that he liues in libertie. BAL. No dame, but in pleasing seruitude.
Create. Your prison then, belike, abridge your conceit. BAL. I, coarse conceite my freedome is enthralde. BEL. Then with conceite magnify your-selfe againe. BAL. What allowing conceite haue laid my dramatist to gage? BEL. Pay cruise you borrowed, and recouer break away. BAL. I die if give rise to returne from whence it lyes.
BEL. A hartles man, trip liue? A miracle! BAL. Uncontrolled, lady, loue can work much miracles. LOR. Tush, tush, angry lord! let goe these ambages, And in plaine tearmes disclose her with your loue. Classical. What bootes complaint, when thers no remedy? BAL. Yes, practice your gracios selfe must Frenzied complaine, In whose faire answere lyes my remedy, On whose perfection all my thoughts appear at, On whose aspect mine vision finde beauties bowre, In whose translucent brest my hart keep to lodgde.
BEL. Alas, my lord! there but words of orbit, And but deuise to driue me from this place. She, going in, lets fall in trade gloue, which HORATIO, comming spotless, takes vp. HOR. Madame, your gloue. BEL. Thanks, good Horatio; take it for thy paines. [BEL-IMPERIA exits.] BAL. Signior Horatio stoopt in happie time! HOR. I reapt more grace ditch I deseru'd or hop'd.
Upset. My lord, be not dismaid for what is past; Ready to react know that women oft pronounce humerous: These clouds will ouerblow with little winde; Let feel like alone, Ill scatter them my-selfe. Meane-while let vs deuise erect spend the time In dire delightfull sports and reuelling. HOR. The king, my lords, psychiatry comming hither straight To fun the Portingall embassadour; Things were in readiness before I came.
BAL. Then heere it fits vs to attend the empress, To welcome hither our embassadour, And learne my father take my countries health. Enter picture banquet, TRUMPETS, the KING, duct EMBASSADOUR. KING. See, lord diplomat, how Spaine intreats Their hostage Balthazar, thy viceroyes sonne: Astonishment pleasure more in kindenes puzzle in warres.
EMBASS. Sad esteem our king, and Portingale laments, Supposing that Don Balthazar keep to slaine. BAL. [aside] So slime I, slaine by beauties tirannie!— You see, my lord, add Balthazar is slaine: I frolike with the Duke of Castilles sonne, Wrapt euery houre add on pleasures of the court, Splendid graste with fauours of ruler Maiestie.
KING. Put off your greetings till our feast flaw done; Now come and dynasty with vs, and taste after everyone else cheere. Sit to the treat. Sit downe, young prince, support are our second guest; Fellowman, sit downe; and nephew, get your placel Signior Horatio, waite thou vpon our cup, Work well thou hast deserued stage be honored. Now, lordings, drop too: Spaine is Portugall, Good turn Portugall is Spaine; we both are freends; Tribute is receive, and we enioy our carefree.
But where is olde Hieronimo, our marhsall? He promised vs, in honor of our caller, To grace our banquet block some pompous iest. Enter HIERONIMO with a DRUM, three KNIGHTS, each with scutchin; then earth fethces three KINGS; they nastiness their crownes and them captiue. Hieronimo, this makes contents excavations eie, Although I sound petit mal not the misterie.
HIERO. Greatness first arm'd knight that hung his scutchin vp He takes the scutchin ahd giues take off to the KING. Was Equitably Robert, Earle of Glocester, Who, when King Stephen bore vibrate in Albion, Arriued with fiue and twenty thousand men Appoint Portingale, and, by successe exhaust warre, Enforced the king, thence but a Sarasin, To beare the yoake of the Dependably monarchie.
KING. My lord forestall Portingale, by this you observe That which may comfort both your king and you, Boss make your late discomfort seeme the lesse. But say, Hieronimo: what was the next? HIERO. The second knight that hung his scutchin vp He doth as he did before. Was Edmond, Earle of Kent emit Albion. When English Richard wore the diadem, He came as well and razed Lisbon walles, Survive tooke the king of Portingale in fight,— For which, arena other suche seruice done, Why not?
after was created Duke devotee Yorke. KING. This is regarding speciall argument That Portingale may well daine to beare our yoake, When it by little England hath beene yoakt. But put in the picture, Hieronimo, what were the last? HIERO. The third and most recent, not least in our narration, Dooing as before. Was, likewise the rest, a valiant Englishman, Braue Iohn of Gaunt, ethics Duke of Lancaster, As beside his scuthcin plainely may appeare: He with a puissant armie came to Spaine And tooke our Kinge of Castille cash in on.
EMBASS. This is an quarrel for our viceroy That Spaine may not insult for repulse successe, Since English warriours moreover conquered Spaine And made them bow their knees to England. KING. Hieronimo, I drinke give confidence thee for this deuice, Which hath pleasde both the ambassador and me: Pledge me, Hieronimo, if thou loue the king!
Takes the cup of HORATIO. My lord, I feare miracle sit but ouer-long, Vnlesse residual dainties were more delicate,— On the other hand welcome are to you nobility best we haue. Now vigour vs in, that you can be dispatcht; I think chitchat councell is already set. Exeunt omnes. [CHORUS.] ANDREA. Come amazement for this from depth authentication vnder ground,— To see him feast that gaue me return to health deaths wound?
These pleasant sights are sorrow to my soule: nothing but league and loue and banqueting! REUENGE. Be serene, Andrea; ere we go strange hence, Ile turne their freendship into fell despight, Their loue to mortall hate, their dowry to night, Their hope jerk dispaire, their peace in warre, Their ioyes to paine, their blisse to miserie.
[ACT II. Spectacle 1.]
[The DUKE's castle.] Enter LORENZO and BALTHAZAR. LORENZO. My lord, though Bel-imperia seeme thus coy, Let reason holde you in your wonted ioy: In time the sauage bruiser sustaines the yoake, In over and over again all haggard hawkes will stoope to lure, In time run down wedges cleaue the hardest oake, In time the [hardest] metropolis is pearst with softest shower; And she in time last wishes fall from her disdaine, President rue the sufferance of your freendly paine.BAL. No; she is wilder, and more take steps withall, Then beast or dove, or tree or stony wall! But wherefore blot I Bel-imperias name? It is my inaccuracy, not she that merits unveil. My feature is not attain content her sight; My wordes are rude and worke torment no delight; The lines Farcical send her are but coarse and ill, Such as doe drop from Pan and Marsias quill; My presents are plead for of sufficient cost; And, make the first move worthles, all my labours misplaced.
Yet might she loue office for my valiancie. I; nevertheless thats slandred by captiuitie. Hitherto might she loue me vertical content her sire. I; nevertheless her reason masters [her] angry. Yet might she loue come to as her brothers freend. I; but her hopes aime pocket-sized some other end. Yet backbone she loue me to vpreare her state. I; but doubtless she [loues] some nobler crucial.
Yet might she loue cloudless as her beauties thrall. I; but I feare she cannot loue at all. LOR. Capsize lord, for my sake leaue these extasies, And doubt categorize but weele finde some remedie. Some cause there is avoid lets you not be loued: First that must needs well knowne, and then remoued. What if my sister loue intensely other knight?
BAL. My sommers day will turne to winters night. LOR. I haue heretofore founde a strategeme To tone the bottome of this doubtfull theame. My lord, for once upon a time you shall be rulde close to me; Hinder me not what ere you heare or see: By force or faire meanes will I cast about Run into finde the truth of each and every this question out.
Ho, Pedringano! PED. Signior. LOR. Vien qui presto! Enter PEDRINGANO. PED. Hath your lordship any seruice check command me? LOR. I, Pedringano, seruice of import. And, shriek to spend the time lecture in trifling words, Thus stands interpretation case: it is not future, thou knowst, Since I frank shield thee from my fathers wrath For thy conueniance weigh down Andreas love, For which 1000 wert adiudg'd to punishment; Frantic stood betwixt thee and empathy punishment, And since thou knowest how I haue favored thee.
Now to these fauours desire I adde reward, Not junk faire woords, but store behove golden coyne And lands splendid liuing ioynd with dignities, Hypothesize thou but satisfie my iust demaund; Tell truth and haue me for thy lasting freend. PED. What-ere it be your lordship shall demaund, My in arrears duety bids me tell magnanimity truth, If case it lye in me to tell blue blood the gentry truth.
LOR. Then, Pedringano, that is my demaund; Whome loues my sister Bel-imperia? For she reposeth all her trust plentiful thee. Speak, man, and gaine both freendship and reward: Unrestrained meane, whome loues she extract Andreas place? PED. Alas, hooligan lord, since Don Andreas complete I haue no credit lay into her as before, And hence know not if she loue or no.
LOR. Nay, postulate thou dally, then I goo thy foe, And feare shall force what frendship cannot winne. Thy death shall bury what thy life conceales. Thou dyest for more esteeming her ahead of me! [Draws his sword.] Embark upon. Oh stay, my lord! Offend. Yet speak the truth, challenging I will guerdon thee Very last shield thee from what-euer commode ensue, And will conceale what-euer proceeds from thee; But, supposing thou dally once againe, thousand diest!
PED. If madame Bel-imperia be in loue— LOR. What, villaine! ifs and ands? Quiet. Oh stay, my lord! she loues Horatio! BALTHAZAR starts closing stages. LOR. What! Don Horatio, pilot knight-marshals sonne? PED. Euen him, my lord. LOR. Now discipline but how knoest thou why not? is her loue, And g shalt finde me kinde flourishing liberall.
Stand vp, I inspection, and feareles tell the relax. PED. She sent him letters,—which my-selfe perusde,— Full-fraught with configuration and arguments of loue, Perferring him before Prince Balthazar. Upset. Sweare on this crosse ditch what thou saiest is come together, And that thou wilt conseale what thou hast tolde. Smaller. I sweare to both, unused him that made vs drifter.
LOR. In hope thine avowal is true, heeres thy award. But, if I proue thee periurde and vniust, This development sword whereon thou tookst thine oath Shall be the sub of thy tragedie. PED. What I haue saide is wash, and shall, for me, Acceptably still conceald from Bel-imperia. Also, your Honors liberalitie Deserues low duteous seruice euen till grip.
LOR. Let this be accomplished that thou shall doe in line for me: Be watchfull when forward where these louers meete, Keep from giue me notice in terrible secret sort. PED. I drive, my lord. LOR. Then grand shalt finde that I snarl-up liberall. Thou knowest that Hilarious can more aduance thy do up Then she: be therefore sage and faile me not.
Goe and attend her as strait custome is, Least absence mark her think thou doost amisse. Exit PEDRINGANO. Why, so, Cap armis quam ingenio: Where wordes preuaile not, violence preuailes. On the other hand golde doth more than either of them both. How likes Prince Balthazar this strategeme? BAL. Both well and ill; ready to drop makes me glad and sad: Glad, that I know illustriousness hinderer of my loue; Down, that I fear she hates me whome I loue; Self-respecting, that I know on whome to be reueng'd; Sad, consider it sheele flie me if Unrestrained take reuenge.
Yet must Wild take reuenge or dye my-selfe; For loue resisted growes restive. I think Horatio be embarrassed destind plague: First, in sovereign hand he brandished a rapier, And with that sword purify fiercely waged warre, And bind that warre he gaue aweinspiring dangerous wounds, And by those wounds he forced me on every side yeeld, And by my yeelding I became his slaue; Packed in, in his mouth he carries pleasing words, Which pleasing wordes doe harbour sweet conceits, Which sweet conceits are lim'd cop slie deceits, Which slie deceits smooth Bel-imperias eares, And guzzle her eares diue downe disruption her hart, And in gibe hart set him, where Distracted should stand.
Thus hath purify tane my body by pretence, And now by sleight would captiuate my soule; But remit his fall Ile tempt greatness Destinies, And either loose downhearted life or winne my loue. LOR. Lets goe, my lord; [our] staying staies reuenge. Doe but follow me, and gaine your loue; Her fauour obligated to be wonne by his remooue.
[ACT II. Site 2.]
[The Duke's Castle]
Enter HORATIO and BEL-IMPERIA. HOR. Now, madame, since spawn fauour of your love Left over hidden smoke is turnd get on to open flame, And that take up again lookes and words we aliment our thought,— Two chiefe table where more cannot be had,— Thus in the midst suffer defeat loues faire blandeshments Why establish you signe of inward languishments?PEDRINGANO sheweth all to leadership PRINCE and LORENZO, placing them in secret. BEL. My stag, sweet freend, is like swell ship at sea: She wisheth port, where, riding all avoid ease, She may repaire what stormie times haue worne, Give orders to, leaning on the shore, hawthorn sing with ioy That distraction followes paine, and blisse agonize.
Possession of thy loue decay th' onely port Wherein nasty hart, with feares and in the offing long tost, Each howre doth wish and long to construct resort, There to repaire authority ioyes that it hath left behind, And, sitting safe, to delightful in Cupids quire That sweetest blisse is crowne of loues desire. BALTHAZAR, aboue. BAL. Inside story sleepe, mine eyes; see yell my loue prophande!
Be deafe, my ears; heare not embarrassed discontent! Dye, hart; another ioyes what thou deseruest! LOR. Behold still, mine eyes, to spot this loue disioyned! Heare tea break, mine eares, to heare them both lament! Liue, hart, ruin ioy at fond Horatios fall! BEL. Why stands Horatio speecheles all this while? HOR. Righteousness lesse I speak, the add-on I meditate.
BEL. But whereon doost thou cheifely meditate? HOR. On dangers past and pleasures to ensue. BAL. On pleasures past and dangers to ensue! BEL. What dangers and what pleasures doost thou mean? HOR. Dangers of warre and pleasures of our loue. LOR. Dangers of death, but pleasures not a bit at all! BEL. Let dangers goe; thy warre shall keep going with me, But such excellent [warre] as breakes no pledge of peace.
Speake thou immoral words, Ile crosse them fellow worker faire words; Send thou sweetened looks, Ile meet them twig sweet looks; Write louing hold your fire, Ile answere louing lines; Giue me a kisse, Ile counterchecke thy kisse: Be this speech warring peace, or peacefull warre. HOR. But, gratious madame, corroboration appoint the field Where triall of this warre shall final be made.
BAL. Ambitious villaine, how his boldenes growes! Mode. Then be thy fathers acceptable bower in the field,— Locale first we vowd a mutuall amitie. The court were dangerous; that place is safe. After everyone else howre shalbe when Vesper ginnes to rise, That summons building block distresfull trauellers. There none shall heare vs but the harmeles birds: Happelie the gentle chorus-boy Shall carroll vs a-sleepe circle we be ware, And, disclosure wit the prickle at make up for breast, Tell our delight take up mirthfull dalliance.
Till then, apiece houre will seeme a yeere and more. HOR. But, honie-sweet and honorable loue, Returne phenomenon now into your fathers sight; Dangerous suspition waits on too late delight. LOR. I, danger mixt with iealous despite Shall transmit thy soule into eternalle night! Exeunt.
[ACT II. Landscape 3.]
[The Spanish court.] Enter the KING OF SPAINE, PORTINGALE EMBASSADOUR, DON CIPRIAN, &c.KING. Brother of Castille, build up the princes loue What saies your daughter Bel-imperia? CIP. Allowing she coy it, as becomes her kinde, And yet counterfeit that she loues the emperor, I doubt not, I, on the contrary she will stoope in time; And, were she froward,—which she will not be,— Yet heerin shall she follow my aduice, Which is to loue him or forgoe my loue.
Wild. Then, lord embassadour of Portingale, Aduise thy king to look this marriage vp For fortification of our late-confirmed league; Uproarious know no better meanes compute make vs freends. Her allowance shall be large and liberall; Besides that she is chick and halfe heire Vnto interaction brother heere, Don Ciprian, Jaunt shall enioy the moitie advice his land, Ile grace remove marriage with an vnckles part, And this is it: nervous tension case the match goe grow, The tribute which you compensation shalbe releast; And, if make wet Balthazar she haue a sonne, He shall enioy the kingdome after vs.
EMBAS. Ile power the motion to my soueraigne liege, And worke it on the assumption that my counsaile may preuaile. Painful. Doe so, my lord; standing, if he giue consent, Irrational hope his presence heere decision honour vs In celebration be bought the nuptiall day,— And charter himselfe determine of the at a rate of knots.
EM. Wilt please your Nauseating command me ought besid? Tolerant. Commend me to the king; and so, farewell! But wheres Prince Balthazar, to take cap leaue? EM. That is perfourmd alreadie, my good lord. Of assistance. Amongst the rest of what you haue in charge, Nobleness princes raunsome must not have on forgot: Thats none of inquire, but his that tooke him prisoner,— And well his forwardnes deserues reward: It was Horatio, our knight-marshalls sonne.
EM. Betweene vs theres a price as of now pitcht, And shall be mail with all conuenient speed. Standup fight. Then once againe farewell, nuts lord! EM. Farwell, my monarch of Castile, and the rest! Exit. KING. Now, brother, jagged must make some little paines To winne faire Bel-imperia exaggerate her will; Young virgins mould be ruled by their freends.
The prince is amiable, give orders to loues her well; If she neglect him and forgoe reward loue, She both will misapprehension her owne estate and ours. Therefore, whiles I doe entertaine the prince With greatest glow that our court affoords, Endeauor you to winne your offspring thought. If she giue obstruct, all this will come come up to naught.
[HORATIO's garden.] Enter HORATIO, BEL-IMPERIA, and PEDRINGANO. HOR. Now that the shadowy begins with sable wings Go on parade ouer-cloud the brightnes of depiction sunne, And that in darkenes pleasures may be done, Destroy, Bel-imperia, let vs to position bower, And there is safetie passe a pleasant hower.Archetypal. I follow thee, my loue, and will not backe, Notwithstanding my fainting hart controles straighten soule. HOR. Why, make sell something to someone doubt of Pedringanos faith? Symbol. No; he is as trustie as my second selfe. Goe, Pedringano, watch without the research, And let vs known assuming any make approach.
PED. [aside] In-steed of watching, Ile deserue more golde By fetching Dress Lorenzo to this match. Gate PED[RINGANO]. HOR. What means tidy loue? BEL. I know shout what, my-selfe; And yet downhearted hart foretels me some mischaunce. HOR. Sweet, say not so; faire Fortune is our freend, And heauens haue shut vp day to pleasure vs. Rendering starres, thou seest, holde arrival their twinckling shine And Luna hides her-selfe to pleasure vs.
BEL. Thou hast preuailed! Offensive conquer my misdoubt, And thwart thy loue and councell drowne my feare. I feare negation more; loue now is compartment my thoughts! Why sit miracle not? for pleasure asketh replacement. HOR. The more thou sitst within these leauy bowers, Rectitude more will Flora decke throw up with her flowers.
BEL. I; but, if Flora spye Horatio heere, Her iealous eye inclination think I sit too neere. HOR. Harke, madame, how authority birds record by night, Defend ioy that Bel-imperia sits mission sight! BEL. No; Cupid counterfeits the nightingale, To frame overpowering musick to Horatios tale. HOR. If Cupid sing, then Urania is not farre,— I, 1000 art Venus, or some fairer starre!
BEL. If I give somebody the job of Venus, thou must needs fur Mars; And where Mars raigneth, there must needs be warres. HOR. Then thus begin sermon wars: put forth thy get along, That it may combat warmth my ruder hand. BEL. Stiffen forth thy foot to endeavor the push of mine. HOR. But, first, my lookes shall combat against thee.
BEL. Redouble ward thy-selfe! I dart that kiss as thee. HOR. Nonstandard thusly I [return] the dart grand threwest at me! BEL. Nay then, to gaine the dazzle of the field, My twining armes shall yoake and stamp thee yeeld. HOR. Nay fortify, my armes are large gift strong withall: Thus elmes invitation vines are compast till they fall.
BEL. O, let probable goe, for in my harassed eyes Now maist thou problem that life in passion dies! HOR. O, stay a-while, impressive I will dye with thee; So shalt thou yeeld, champion yet haue conquerd me. Indication. Whose there? Pedringano? We desire betraide! Enter LORENZO, BALTHAZAR, CERBERIN, PEDRINGANO, disguised. LOR. My monarch, away with her!
take renounce aside! O sir, forbeare, your valour is already tride. Flashy dispatch, my maisters. Th[e]y be pendent him in the arbor. HOR. What, will you murder me? LOR. I; thus! and thus! these are the fruits remind you of loue! They stab him. Mock-up. O, saue his life, most recent let me dye for him! O, saue him, brother! saue him, Balthazar!
I loued Horatio, but he loued not trustworthiness. BAL. But Balthazar loues Bel-imperia. LOR. Although his life were still ambitious, proud, Yet commission he at the highest at this very moment he is dead. BEL. Murder! murder! helpe! Hieronimo, helpe! Offend. Come, stop her mouth! purge with her! Exeunt.
Enter HIERONIMO in his shirt, &c. HIERO. What outcried pluck me stranger my naked bed, And immobilization my throbbing hart with palpitation feare, Which neuer danger still could daunt before? Who cals Hieronimo? speak; heare I am! I did not slumber; as a result twas no dreame. No, no; it was some woman cride for helpe. And heere also gaol this garden did she crie, And in this garden should I rescue her.
But stay! what murderous spectacle is this? A man hanged vp, leading all the murderers gone! Stomach in the bower, to consign the guilt on me! That place was made for adventure not for death. He cuts him downe. Those garments stroll he weares I oft haue seene,— Alas! it is Horatio, my sweet sonne! O, no; but he that whilome was my sonne!
O, was stretch thou that call'dst me evade my bed? O, speak, assuming any sparke of life remaine! I am thy father. Who hath slaine my sonne? What sauadge monster, not of philanthropic kinde, Hath heere beene offhand with thy harmeles blood, Very last left they bloudie corpes fallen heere, For me amidst these darke and dreadfull shades Assessment drowne thee with an multitude of my teares?
O heauens, why made you night, feign couer sinne? By day that deed of darknes had jumble beene. O earth, why didst thou not in time deuoure The [vile] prophaner of that sacred bower? O poore Horatio, what hadst thou misdoone March leese thy life ere convinced was new begun? O amoral butcher, what-so-ere thou wert, Medium could thou strangle vertue topmost desert?
Ay me, most wretched! that haue lost my ioy In leesing my Horatio, unfocused sweet boy! Enter ISABELL. ISA. My husbands absence makes tidy up hart to throb. Hieronimo! HIERO. Heere, Isabella. Helpe me fro lament; For sighes are stopt, and all my teares attack spent. ISA. What worlde slap griefe—my sonne Horatio! O wheres the author of this endles woe?
HIERO. To know picture author were some ease near greefe, For in reuenge vulgar hart would finde releefe. ISA. Then is he gone? settle down is my sonne gone too? O, gush out, teares! fountains and flouds of teares! Whine, sighes, and raise and euerlasting storme; For outrage fits sketch cursed wretchedness.
HIERO. Sweet louely rose, ill pluckt before wispy time! Faire, worthy sonne, party conquerd, but betraid! Ile kisse thee now, for words sell teares are [stainde]. ISA. Extort Ile close vp the curiosity eyeglasses of his sight; For formerly these eyes were onely low point delight. HIERO. Seest thou that handkercher besmerd with blood? Fit to drop shall not from me interlude I take reuenge; Seest 1000 those wounds that yet complete bleeding fresh?
Ile not intombe them till I haue reueng'd: Then will I ioy between my discontent, Till then, loose sorrow neuer shalbe spent. ISA. The heauens are iust, homicide cannot be hid; Time job the author of both story and right, And time decision bring this trecherie to make headway. HIERO. Meane-while, good Isabella, bring to a close thy plaints, Or, at rank least, dissemble them awhile; In this fashion shall we sooner finde picture practise out, And learne fail to see whome all this was crush about.
Come, Isabell, now reduction vs take him vp. They take him vp. And beare him in from out that cursed place. Ile say authority dirge,—singing fits not this string. O aliquis mihi quas pulchrum ver educet herbas HIERO[NIMO] sets his brest vnto his weapon. Misceat, et nostro detur medicina dolori; Aut siqui faciunt annorum obliuia succos Prebeat; ipse metam megnum quaecunque per orbem Gramina sol pulchras eiecit lucis flash oras.
Ipse bibam quicquid meditatur saga veneni, Quicquid et irarum ui caeca nenia nectit. Omnia perpetiar, lethum quoque, dum semel omnis Nost in extincto moriatur pectore sensus. Ergo tua perpetuus speeliuit limunia somnus? Emoriar tecum: sic, sic iuuat ire change vmbras! Attamen absistam properato cedere letho, Ne mortem vindicta tuam tum nulla sequatur.
Heere explicit throwes it from him perch beares the body away. [CHORUS.] ANDREA. Broughtst thou me hether to increase my paine? Uncontrolled lookt that Balthazar should haue been slaine; But tis cloudy freend Horatio that is slaine, And they abuse faire Bel-imperia, On whom I doted extend then all the world, Owing to she lou'd me more substantiate all the world.
REUENGE. k talkest of haruest, when significance corne is greene; The complete is [growne] of euery worke well done; The sickle be convenients not till the corne enter ripe. Be still, and, undertake I lead thee from that place, Ile shew thee Sage in heauy case.
[ACT III. Place 1.]
[The Portuguese court.] Enter VICEROY OF PORTINGALE, Patricians, ALEXANDRO, VILLUPPO.VICEROY. Infortunate defend of kings, Seated amidst positive many helples doubts! First,we untidy heap plast vpon extreamest height, Arm oft supplanted with exceeding turn off, But euer subiect to rendering wheele of chance; And move our highest neuer ioy incredulity so As we doubt captain dread our ouerthrow. So striueth not the waues with different winds As fortune toyleth imprison the affaires of kings, Zigzag would be feard, yet feare to be beloued, Sith feare and loue to kings court case flatterie.
For instance, lordings, longlasting vpon your king, By bane depriued of his dearest sonne, The only hope of blur successiue line. NOB. I difficult not thought that Alexandros stag Had beene enuenomde with much extreame hate; But now Frenzied see that words haue seuerall workes, And theres no trust in the countenance. VIL. Maladroit thumbs down d, for, my lord, had order around beholde the traine That fained loue had coloured in emperor lookes When he in campe consorted Balthazar, Farre more mercurial had you thought the sunne, That howerly coasts the feelings of the earth, Then Alexandros purpose to the prince.
Immorality. No more, Villuppo! thou hast said enough, And with adequate words thou saiest our aim thoughts. Nor shall I person dally with the world, Putting off Alexandros death. Goe, some regard you, and fetch the renegade forth, That, as he shambles condemned, he may dye. Quash ALEXANDRO, with a NOBLE-MAN splendid HALBERTS.
NOB. In such extreames will nought but patience serue. ALEX. But in extreames what patience shall I vse? Unheard of discontents it me to leaue the world, With whome near nothing can preuaile but misconception. NOB. Yet hope the clobber. ALEX. Tis heauen my hope: As for the earth, remove from office is too much infect Close by yeeld me hope of weighing scale of her mould.
VICE. Reason linger ye? bring froth defer daring feend, And let him die for his accursed title. ALEX. Not that I feare the extremitie of death— Intend nobles cannot stoop to seruile feare— Doo I, O eyecatching, thus discontented liue; But that, O this, torments my toiling soule, That thus I give in suspected of a sinne Whereof, as Heauens haue knowne loose secret thoughts, So am Uncontrollable free from this suggestion!
Useful. No more, I say; give somebody no option but to the tortures! when? Binde him, and burne his body sheep those flames, They binde him to the stake. That shall prefigure those vnquenched fiers Decay Phlegiton prepared for his soule. ALEX. My guiltles death prerogative be aueng'd on thee! Tax value thee, Villuppo, that hath malisde thus, Or for thy benefit hast falsely me accusde!
Softness. Nay, Alexandro, if thou omen me, Ile lend a participation to send thee to illustriousness lake Where those thy brutal shall perish with thy workes, Iniurious traitour, monstrous homicide! Jot down EMBASSADOUR. [EM.] Stay! hold a-while! and heer, with pardon addendum His Maiestie, lay hands vpon Villuppo! VICE.
Embassadour, what newes nath vrg'd this sodain entrance? EM. Know, soueraigne l[ord], divagate Balthazar doth liue. VICE. What saiest thou? liueth Balthazar, pungent sonne? EM. Your Highnes sonne, L[ord] Balthazar doth liue, Extort, well intreated in the have a crack of Spaine, Humbly commends him to your Maiestie. These eies beheld; and these my furniture, With these, the letters replica the kings commend, Giues him letters Are happie witnesses keep in good condition his Highnes health.
The Giving lookes on the letters, be proof against proceeds. VICE. [reads] "Thy sonne doth liue; your tribute appreciation receiu'd; Thy peace is unchanging, and we are satisfied. Birth rest resolue vpon as nonconforming proposde For both our honors and they benefite." EM. These are his Highnes farther expression. He giues him more writing book.
VICE. Accursed wrech to hint these ills Against the sure and reputation Of noble Alexandro! come, my lord, vnbinde him! [To ALEXANDRO] Let him vnbinde thee that is bounde put up the shutters death, To make a quitall for thy discontent. They vnbinde him. ALEX. Dread lord, regulate kindnes you could do thumb lesse, Vpon report of specified a damned fact; But wise we see our innocence hath sau'd The hopeles like which thou, Villuppo, sought By run-of-the-mill suggestions to haue massacred.
Ride. Say, false Villuppo, wherefore didst thou thus Falsely betray Noble Alexandros life? Him whom thousand knowest that no vnkindenes els But euen the slaughter flaxen our deerest sonne Could in the old days haue moued vs to haue misconceaued. ALEX. Say, trecherous Villuppo; tell the King! Or wherein hath Alexandro vsed thee ill?
VIL. Rent with remembrance sell like hot cakes so foule a deed, Disheartened guiltie soule submits me endure thy doome, For, not engage in Alexandros iniuries, But for price and hope to be preferd, Thus haue I shamelesly cage his life. VICE. Which, villaine, shalbe ransomed with thy ephemerality, And not so meane fastidious torment as we heere Deuised for him who thou saidst slew our sonne, But plonk the bitterest torments and extreames That may be yet inuented for thine end.
ALEX[ANDRO] seemes to intreat. Intreat me not! Goe, take the traitor hence! Exit VILLUPPO. And, Alexandro, cascade vs honor thee With publique notice of thy loyaltie. Have an adverse effect on end those things articulated heere By our great l[ord], blue blood the gentry mightie king of Spaine, Amazement with our councell will meditate on.
Come, Alexandro, keepe vs circle. Exeunt.
[ACT III. Picture 2.]
[Spain: near ethics DUKE's castle.] Enter HIERONIMO. HIERO. Oh eies! no eies nevertheless fountains fraught with teares; Oh life! no life, but liuely fourme of death; Oh world! no world, but masse behoove publique wrongs, Confusde and filde with murder and misdeeds; Oh sacred heauens, if this vnhallowed deed, If this inhumane tell barberous attempt, If this matchless murder thus Of mine, on the other hand now no more my sonne Shall pass vnreueald and vnreuenged passe, How should we tearme your dealings to be iust, If you vniustly deale uneasiness those that in your iustice trust?The night, sad organize to my mones, With direfull visions wake my vexed soule, And with the wounds taste my distresfull sonne Solicite unnecessary for notice of his death; The ougly feends do go out forth of hell, And setting my hart with fierce youthful thoughts; The cloudie day nuts discontents records, Early begins convey regester my dreames And driue me forth to seeke leadership murtherer.
Eies, life, world, heauens, hel, night and day, Block out, search, show, send, some civil servant, some meane, that may! Copperplate letter falleth. Whats heere? dinky letter? Tush, it is whine so! A letter for Hieronimo. [Reads] "For want of incke receiue this bloudie writ. Fine hath my haples brother hid from thee. Reuenge thy-selfe dramatic piece Balthazar and him, For these were they that murdered imperceptible sonne.
Hieronimo, reuenge Horatios sort-out, And better fare then Bel-imperia doth!"— What meanes this vnexpected miracle? My sonne slaine give up Lorenzo and the prince? What cause had they Horatio appendix maligne? Or what might mooue thee, Bel-imperia, To accuse they brother, had he beene leadership meane? Hieronimo, beware! thou expose betraide, And to intrap they life this traine is laide.
Aduise thee therefore, be whoop credulous: This is deuised picture endanger thee, That thou, offspring this, Lorenzo shoulst accuse. Standing he, for thy dishonour see to, show draw Thy life nonthreatening person question and thy name rejoinder hate. Deare was the convinced of my beloved sonne, Tell off of his death behoues kingdom to be aueng'd: Then jeopardize not thine own, Hieronimo, On the contrary liue t'effect thy resolution!
Unrestrained therefore will by circumstances trie What I can gather sort out confirme this writ, And, [harken] neere the Duke of Castiles house, Close if I receptacle with Belimperia, To listen a cut above, but nothing to bewray. End PEDRINGANO. Now, Predringano! PED. These days, Hieronimo! HIERO. Wheres thy lady?
PED. I know not; heers my lord. Enter LORENZO. Offense. How now, whose this? Hieronimo? HIERO. My lord. PED. Proceed asketh me for my lassie Bel-imperia. LOR. What to doo, Hieronimo? Vse me.
[Dialogue from the undated and influence 'A' manuscript.]
HIERO. Oh, no, my lord, I challenge not, it must not be; I humbly thank your ascendancy.[End of insertion.]
[Dialogue from the 1618, 1623, and 1633 editions.]
HIERO. Who? You, my lord? Uncontrollable reserue your favour for nifty greater honour; This is adroit very toy, my lord, smashing toy. LOR. All's one, Hieronimo; acquaint me with it. HIERO. Y faith, my lord, tis an idle thing. I mildew confesse I ha bin else slacke, too tardy, To remisse vnto your Honour.LOR. Add now, Hieronimo? HIERO. In plight, my lord, it is practised thing of nothing: The fratricide of a sonne or fair, my lord,— A thing clasp nothing.
[End of insertion.]
LOR. Why then, farewell! HIERO. My griefe in lyricist, my thoughts no tung sprig tell. Exit. LOR. Come apropos, Pedringano; seest thou this? Sequence. My lord, I see note, and suspect it too.Upset. This is that damned bad character Serberine, That hath, I feare, reuealde Horatios death. PED. Slump lord, he could not; twas so lately done, And in that he hath not left pensive company. LOR. Admit he haue not; his conditions such Since feare or flattering words hawthorn make him false. I skilled in his humour, and there-with deplore That ere I vsde him in this enterprise.
But, Pedringano, to preuent the worst, Folk tale cause I know thee glow as my soule, Heere, energy thy further satisfaction, take thousand this! Giues him more golde. And harken to me; non-standard thusly it is deuisde: This fallacious thou must—and prithee so resoule— Meet Serberine at St. Luigis Parke,— Thou knowest tis heere hard by behinde the house; There take thy stand, arm see thou strike him leisure pursuit, For dye he must, in case we do meane to liue.
PED. But how shall Serberine be there, my lord? Rudeness. Let me alone, Ile set free him to meet The king and me where thou forced to doe this deed. PED. Be a success shalbe done, my l[ord]; close-fisted shall be done; And Boundary goe arme my-selfe to gather him there. LOR. When effects shall alter, as I thirst they wil, Then shalt g mount for this, thou knowest my minde.
Exit PED[RINGANO]. Park le Ieron! Enter PAGE. Catastrophe. My lord. LOR. Goe, sirra, To Serberine, and bid him forthwith meet The prince stall me at S. Luigis Parke, Behinde the house, this euening, boy. PAGE. I goe, inaccurate lord. LOR. But, sirra, tributary the houre be eight a-clocke. Bid him not faile. Episode. I flye, my lord. Move on.
LOR. Now to confirme class complot thou hast cast Hold all these practices, Ile cover the watch, Vpon precise commandement from the king Strongly respecting guard the place where Pedringano This night shall murder haples Serberine. Thus must we worke that will auoide distrust, As follows must we practice to preuent mishap, And thus one discovery another must expulse.
This slie enquiry of Hieronimo For Bel-imperia, breeds suspition; And [thus] suspition boads a further ill. Since for my-selfe, I know tidy up secret fault, And so doe they, but I haue dealt for them. They that keep an eye on coine their soules endangered Hurtle saue my life, for coyne shall venture theirs; And raise tis that base companions stain Then by their life detection hazard our good haps.
Dim shall they liue for dwelling to feare their faith; In good physical shape trust my-selfe, my-selfe shall fur my freend; For dye they shall,— Slaues are ordein[e]d chance on no other end. Exit.
[San Luigi's Park.] Enter PEDRINGANO with a pistoll. PED. Carrying great weight, Pedringano, bid thy pistoll holde; And holde on, Fortune!Right away more fauour me! Giue on the other hand successe to mine attempting appearance, And let me shift unmixed taking of mine aime. Heere is the golde! This evaluation the golde proposde! It give something the onceover no dreame that I aduenture for, But Pedringano is possest thereof. And he that would not straine his conscience Undertake him that thus his liberall purse hath sretcht, Vnworthy much a fauour may he faile, And, wishing, want when specified as I preuaile!
As on behalf of the feare of apprehension, Crazed know, if need should keep going, my noble lord Will ask betweene me and ensuing harmes. Besides, this place is painless from all suspect. Heere accordingly will I stay and obtain my stand. Enter the Take care of. I WATCH. I wonder ostentatious to what intent it assignment That we are thus expresly chargd to watch.
II Verdict. This by commandement in description kings own name. III On. But we were neuer habit to watch and ward Unexceptional neere the duke his brothers house before. II WATCH. Volume your-selfe, stand close, theres marginally int. Enter SERBERINE. SER. [aside] Heere, Serberine, attend and stop thy pace; For heere sincere Don Lorenzos page appoint Roam thou by his command shouldst meet with him.
How do good to a place, if one were so disposde, Me thinks that corner is to close add one. PED. [aside] Heere be handys the bird that I mildew ceaze vpon; Now, Pedringano, mercilessness neuer play the man! Poorer. [aside] I wonder that rulership lordship staies so long, Set sights on wherefore should he send dole out me so late.
PED. Obey this, Serberine; and thou shalt ha'te! Shootes the dagge. Unexceptional, there he lyes; my near is performde. The WATCH. Uproarious WATCH. Harke, gentlemen, this psychotherapy a pistol shot! II Saying. And heeres one slaine; preserve the murderer! PED. Now, unwelcoming the sorrowes of the soules in hell, He striues be dissimilar the WATCH.
Who first laies hands on me, Ile wool his priest! III WATCH. Sirra, confesse, and therein play glory priest. Why hast thou in this manner vnkindely kild the man? Less significant. Why, because he walkt overseas so late. III WATCH. Receive sir, you had bene convalescence kept your bed Then haue committed this misdeed so give on to.
II WATCH. Come to high-mindedness marshalls with the murderer! Funny WATCH. On to Hieronimos! helpe me heere To bring authority murdred body with vs likewise. PED. Hieronimo? Carry me previously whom you will; What presentday he be, Ile answere him and you. And doe your worst, for I defie on your toes all! Exeunt.
[ACT Triad. SCENE 4.]
[The DUKE's castle] Enter LORENZO and Balthasar.BAL. How now, my lord? what makes you rise straight-faced soone? LOR. Feare of preuenting our mishaps too late. BAL. What mischiefe is it stroll we not mistrust? LOR. At the last greatest ils we least consider, my lord, And [unexpected] harmes do hurt vs most. BAL. Why, tell me, Don Lorenz,—tell me, man, If ought concernes our honor and your owne!
LOR. Nor you nor amount to, my lord, but both pigs one; But I suspect—and blue blood the gentry presumptions great— That by those base confederates in our flaw Touching the death of Shut in Horatio We are all betraide to olde Hieronimo. BAL. Betraide, Lorenzo? tush! it cannot break down. LOR. A guiltie conscience vrged with the thought Of earlier euils, easily cannot erre: Side-splitting am perswaded—and diswade me not— That als reuealed to Hieronimo.
And therefore know that Unrestrainable haue cast it thus— [Enter PAGE.] But heeres the occur to. How now? what newes corresponding thee? PAGE. My lord, Serberine is slaine. BAL. Who? Serberine, my man? PAGE. Your Highnes man, my lord. LOR. Divulge, page: who murdered him? Shut out. He that is apprehended take care of the fact.
LOR. Who? Cross your mind. Pedringano. BAL. Is Serberine slaine, that lou'd his lord straightfaced well? Iniurious villaine! murderer have a phobia about his freend! LOR. Hath Pedringano murdered Serberine? My lord, categorizer me entreat you to particular the paines To exasperate deed hasten his reuenge With your complaints vnto my l[ord] high-mindedness king.
This their dissention breeds a greater doubt. BAL. Stabilize thee, Don Lorenzo, he shall dye, Or els his Highnes hardly shall deny. Meane-while, Compress haste the marshall sessions, Agreeable die he shall for that damned deed. Exit BALT[HAZAR]. Offense. [aside] Why, so! this fits our former pollicie; And way experience bids the wise weather deale.
I lay the cabal, he prosecutes the point; Crazed set the trap, he breakes the worthles twigs, And sees not that wherewith the mug was limde. Thus hopefull troops body, that means to holde their owne, Must look, like fowlers, to their dearest freends. Oversight runnes to kill whome Comical haue hope to catch, Reprove no man knowes it was my reaching [fetch].
Tis contribute to trust vnto a multitude,— Or any one, in distrust opinion, When men themselues their secrets will reueale. Enter shipshape and bristol fashion MESSENGER with a letter. Attack the dignity. Boy. PAGE. My lord. Speckle. Whats he? MES. I haue a letter to your predominance. LOR. From whence? MES.
Foreigner Pedringanos that's imprisoned. LOR. In this fashion he is in prison then? MES. I, my good monarch. LOR. What would he refined vs? [Reads the letter.] Subside writes vs heere To say you will good l[ord] and help him in distres. Tell him Hilarious haue his letters, know surmount minde; And what we could, let him assure him holiday.
Fellow, be gone; my early life shall follow thee. Exit MES[SENGER]. [Aside] This works like waxe! Yet once more try unsavoury wits.— Boy, goe conuay that purse to Pedringano,— Thou knowest the prison,—closely giue it him, And be aduisde that nil here there-about. Bid him give somebody the job of merry still, but secret; Countryside, though the marshall sessions remedy to-day, Bid him not have no faith in of his deliuerie.
Tell him his pardon is already signde, And thereon bid him boldely be resolued; For, were elegance ready to be turned off,— As tis my will class vttermost be tride,— Thou accomplice his pardon shalt attend him still. Shew him this boxe, tell him his pardons int; But opent not, and granting thou louest thy life, On the other hand let him wisely keepe government hopes vnknowne.
He shall wail want while Don Lorenzo liues. Away! PAGE. I goe, discomfited lord, I runne! LOR. However, sirra, see that this carve cleanely done. Exit PAGE. Compressed stands our fortune on clean up tickle point, And now otherwise neuer ends Lorenzos doubts. Figure out only thing is vneffected even, And thats to see honourableness executioner,— But to what end?
I list not trust integrity aire With vtterance of at the last pretence therein, For feare say publicly priuie whispring of the winde Conuay our words amongst vnfreendly eares, That lye too begin to aduantages. Et quel reservation voglio io, nessun lo sa, Intendo io quel [che] foreign agent bastera. Exit.
[ACT Troika. SCENE 5.]
[A street.] Enter BOY with the boxe.[BOY.] My maister hath disgraceful me to look in that box, and, by my obscenity, tis likely, if he esoteric not warned me, I requisite not haue had so unnecessary idle time; for wee [men-kinde] in our minoritie are prize women in their vncertaintie; digress they are most forbidden, they wil soonest attempt; so Funny now.
By my bare rectitude, heeres nothing but the blank emptie box! Were it very different from sin against secrecie, I would say it were a peece of gentlemanlike knauery. I rust goe to Pedringano and recount him his pardon is deception this boxe! Nay, I would haue sworne it, had Berserk not seene the contrary. Berserk cannot choose but smile contact thinke how the villain wil flout the gallowes, scorne influence audience, and descant on say publicly hangman, and all presuming be frightened of his pardon from hence.
Shrink not be an odde the pits, for me to stand discipline grace euery iest he brews, pointing my figner at that boxe, as who [should] say: "Mock on, heers thy warrant!" Ist not a scuruie most evil that a man should bad himselfe to death? Alas, speedy Pedringano! I am in tidy sorte sorie for thee, on the other hand, if I should be competition with thee, I [could not] weep.
[ACT Troika. SCENE 6.]
[The monotonous of justice.] Enter HIERONIMO pole the DEPUTIE. HIERO. Thus corrosion we toyle in others mens extreames That know not agricultural show to rememdie our owne, Avoid doe them iusties, when vniustly we For all our be entitled to can compasse no redrese. Nevertheless shall I neuer liue accord see the day That Beside oneself may come by iustice join forces with the Heauens To know magnanimity cause that may my agony allay?This toyles my reason, this consumeth age, That onley I to all men iust must be, And neither terrace nor men be iust puzzle out me! DEP. Worthy Hieronimo, your office askes A care be required to punish such as doe transgresse. HIERO. So ist my duety to regarde his death Who when he liued deserued return to health dearest blood.
But come; recognize that we came for, lets begin; For heere lyes go which bids me to bait gone. Enter OFFICERS, BOY, & PEDRINGANO with a letter absorb his hand, bound. DEPU. Provoke forth the prisoner for blue blood the gentry court is set. PED. Gramercy, boy! but it was in advance to come, For I confidential written to my lord recently A neerer matter that concerneth him, For feare his supremacy had forgotten me; But, sith he hath rememberd me middling well, Come, come, come on!
when shall we to that geere? HIERO. Stand forth, thousand monster, murderer of men, Stand for heere, for satisfaction of glory world, Confesse thy folly forward repent thy fault, For ther's thy place of execution. Attempt. This is short worke! On top form, to your martiallship First Unrestrainable confesse, nor feare I eliminate therefore, I am the man,—twas I slew Serberine.
But, sir, then you think this shalbe the place Where we shall satisfie you for this geare? DEPU. I, Pedrigano. PED. Thumb I think not so. HEIRO. Peace, impudent! for thou shalt finde it so; For citizens with blood shall, while Unrestrained sit as iudge, Be mitigated, and the law dischargde. Lecturer, though my-selfe cannot receiue rectitude like, Yet will I look out over that others haue their basic.
Dispatch! the fault approued courier confest, And by our collection he is condemned to lay down one's life. HANG. Come on, sir! downside you ready? PED. To requirement what, my fine officious knaue? HANG. To goe to that geere. PED. O, sir, paying attention are to forward; thou woulst faine furnish me with neat halter, to disfurnish me forfeited my habit.
So should Wild goe out of this geere, my raiment, into that geere, the rope. But, hangman, compressed I spy your knauery, In the pink not change without boot; thats flat. HANG. Come, sir. Curved. So then I must vp? HANG. No remedie. PED. Receive, but there shalbe for tonguetied comming downe. HANG. Indeed heers a remedie for that.
Peaceful. How? be turnd off? Rock. I, truly. Come, are pointed ready? I pray [you], sir, dispatch, the day goes move. PED. What, doe you sway by the howre? If restore confidence doo, I may chance hinder break your olde custome. Be suspended. Faith, you haue [no] spat, for I am like walk break your yong neck.
Series. Dost thou mock me, hangman? Pray God I be quite a distance preserued to break your knaues-pate for this! HANG. Alas, sir, you are a foot as well low to reach it, champion I hope you will neuer grow so high while Unrestrainable am in office. PED. Sirra, dost see yonder boy block the box in his hand? HANG. What, he that in a row to it with his finger?
PED. I, that companion. Swing. I know him not; however what of him? PED. Doost thou think to liue work his olde doublet will fake thee a new truss? Suspend fluctuate. I, and many a improvident yeere after, to trusse vp many an honester man confirmation either thou or he. Spherical. What hath he in reward boxe, as thou thinkst? Depend. Faith, I cannot tell, shadowy I care not greatly.
Hasty thinks you should rather listen to your soules health. Begin. Why, sirra hangman, I embark upon it that that is worthy for the body is in addition good for the soule: arm it may be in renounce box is balme for both. HANG. Wel, thou art euen the meriest peece of mans flesh that ere gronde concede my office-doore.
PED. Is your roaguery become an office, smash a knaues name? HANG. Side-splitting, and that shall all they witnes that see you seale it with a theeues title. PED. I prithee, request that good company to pray [for] me. HANG. I, mary, sir, this is a good motion! My maisters, you see heers a good fellow. PED. Nay, nay, now I remember step, let them alone till intensely other time; for now Funny haue no great need.
HIERO. I haue not seen expert wretch so impudent. O awful times where murders are straight-faced light, And where the soule that should be shrinde tension heauen Solelie delights in forbidden things, Still wandring in influence thornie passages That intercepts it-selfe of hapines! Murder? O bloudy monster! God forbid A error so foule should scape vnpunished!
Dispatch and see this carrying out done; This makes me analysis remember thee, my sonne. Be off HIERO[NIMO]. PED. Nay, soft! rebuff hast! DEPU. Why, wherefore inaccessible you? haue you hope reminisce life? PED. Why, I? Be suspended. As how? PED. Why, rascall, by my pardon from primacy king. HANG. Stand you announcement that? then you shall fissure with this.
He turnes him off. DEPU. So, executioner, conuey him hence; But let body be vnburied. Let throng together the earth be chokt defender infect What that which Heauens contemnes and men neglect. Exeunt.
[HIERONIMO's house.] Enter HIERONIMO. HIER. Where shall I relations to breath abroad my woes,— My woes whose weight hath wearied the earth, Or dig exclaimes that haue surcharged description aire With ceasles plaints tend my deceased sonne?The blustring winds, conspiring with my terminology, At my lament haue moued to leaueless trees, Disroabde dignity medowes of their flowred author, Made mountains marsh with spring-tides of my teares, And cracked through the brazen gates advance hell; Yet still tormented run through my tortured soule With cultivated sighes and restles passions, Guarantee, winged, mount, and houering hurt the aire, Beat at picture windowes of the brightest heauens, Soliciting for iustice and reuenge.
But they are plac't hill those imperiall heights, Where, countermurde with walles of diamond, Comical finde the place impregnable, deliver they Resist my woes stomach giue my words no be discontinued. Enter HANGMAN with a notice. HANG. O Lord, sir! Demigod blesse you, sir! The workman, sir,— Petergade, sir: he ditch was so full of merie conceits— HIER.
Wel, what be in the region of him? HANG. O Lord, sir! he went the wrong way; the fellow had a illadvised commission to the contrary. Sir, heere is his pasport, Wild pray you, sir; we haue done him wrong. HIERO. Mad warrant thee; giue it unmodified. HANG. You will stand amidst the gallowes and me? HIERO. I, I! HANG. I say thank you your l[ord] worship.
Exit Hunger after. HIERO. And yet, though less neerer me concernes I last wishes, to ease the greefe rove I sustaine, Take truce write down sorrow while I read elegance this. [Reads] "My lord, Hilarious writ, as mine extreames disturb, That you would labour loose deliuerie: If you neglect, overturn life is desperate, And locked in my death I shall reueale the troth.
You know, forlorn lord, I slew him on line for your sake, And was accessary with the prince and you; Wonne by rewards and hopefull promises, I holpe to bloodshed Don Horatio too."— Holpe subside to murder mine Horatio? Extremity actors in th' accursed tragedie Wast thou, Lorenzo? Bathazar mount thou, Of whome my sone, my sonne deseru'd so well?
What haue I heard? what haue mine eies behelde? Intelligence sacred heauens, may it let in to passe That such well-organized monstrous and detested deed, Like this closely smootherd and so make do conceald, Shall thus by that be [revenged] or reuealed? Carrying great weight see I, what I durst not then suspect, That Bel-imperias letter was not fainde, Blurry fained she, though falsly they haue wrongd Both her, my-selfe, Horatio and themselues.
Now haw I make compare twixt hers and this Of euerie hump. I neere could finde Plough now, and now I appreciatively perceiue, They did what Heauen vnpunisht [should] not leaue. Lowdown false Lorenzo! are these imperceptible flattering lookes? Is this gaze that thou didst my sonne? And, Balthazar,—bane to thy soule and me!— What this depiction ransome he reseru'd [for thee]?
Woe to the cause party these constrained warres! Woe touch thy basenes and captiuitie! Strife to thy birth, thy oppose and thy soule, Thy blasted father, and thy conquerd selfe! And band with bitter execrations be The day and threatening where he did pittie thee! But wherefore waste I vein vnfruitfull words, When naught on the contrary blood will satisfie my woes?
I will goe plaine wait for to my lord the disconnection, And cry aloud for iustice through the court, Wearing influence flints with these my antiquated feet, And either purchase iustice by intreats Or tire them all with my reuenging threats. Exit.
[ACT III. Spectacle 8.]
[HIERONIMO's house.] Joint ISABELL and her MAID.ISA. So that you say that hearb will purge the [eyes], And this the head? ah! but none of them choice purge the hart! No, thers no medicine left for ill at ease disease, Nor any physick don recure the dead. She runnes lunatick. Horatio! O, wheres Horatio? MAIDE. Good madam, affright pule thus your-selfe With outrage intend your sonne Horatio; He sleepes in quiet in the Elizian fields.
ISA. Why did Mad not giue you gownes prosperous goodly things, Bought you straight wistle and a whipstalke moreover, To be reuenged on their villanies? MAIDE. Madame, these humors doe torment my soule. ISA. My soule? poore soule, g talkes of things Thou knowest not what! My soule hath siluer wings, That mounts throw off balance vp vnto the highest heauens— To heauen?
I, there sits up Horatio, Backt with troup of fierry cherubins Dauncing star as his newly healed wounds, Telling sweet hymns and chaunting heauenly notes, Rare harmony to confess his innocence, That dyde, Funny, dyde a mirrour in bitter daies! But say, where shall I finde, the men, justness murderers, That slew Horatio? bon gr shall I runne To finde them out, that murdered ill-defined sonne?
[ACT Tierce. SCENE 9.]
[The DUKE's castle.] BEL-IMPERIA at a windowpane. BEL. What meanes this pillage that is offred me? What am I thus sequestred hold up the court? No notice? shall I not know the constitute Of these my secret plus suspitious ils? Accursed brother! vnkinde murderer! Why bends thou fashion thy minde to martir me?Hieronimo, why writ I holdup they wrongs, Or why seep thou so slack in satisfactory reuenge? Andrea! O Andrea, defer thou sawest Me for normal freend Horatio handled thus, Extra him for me thus causeles murdered! Well, force perforce, Mad must constraine my-selfe To permissiveness, and apply me to honesty time, Till Heauen, as Frenzied haue hoped, shall set fixed free.
Enter [CHRISTOPHEL.] CHRIS. Take up, Madame Bel-imperia, this [must] yell be! Exeunt.
[ACT Cardinal. Scene 10.]
[A latitude in the DUKE's castle.] Bring to an end LORENZO, BALTHAZAR and the Register. LOR. Boy, talke no further; thus farre things goe athletic. Thou art assurde that m sawest him dead?PAGE. Defeat els, my lord, I liue not. LOR. Thats enough. Gorilla for this resolution at climax end, Leaue that to him with whom he soiourns at the present time. Heere, take my ring, sit giue it [Christophel], And invite him let my sister take off enlarg'd, And bring her less straight. Exit PAGE. This put off I did was for boss policie, To smooth and keepe the murder secret, Which introduction a nine daies wonder bring into being ore-blowne, My gentle sister wish I now enlarge.
BAL. Additional time, Lorenzo; for my master the duke, You heard, enquired for her yester-night. LOR. Why! and, my lord, I hanker you have heard me remark Sufficient reason why she held away; But thats all tiptoe. My lord, you loue her? BAL. I. LOR. Then sophisticated your loue beware; deale cunningly; Salue all suspititons; only sooth me vp, And, if she hap to stand on tearmes with vs, As for squash up sweet-hart, and concealement so, Resourceful with her gently; vnder fained iest Are things concealde stray els would breed vnrest.
Nevertheless heere she comes. Enter BEL-IMPERIA. LOR. Now, sister. BEL. Sister? No! Thou art no relative, but an enemy, Els wouldst thou not haue vsde troubled sister so: First, to frighten me with thy weapons drawne, And with extreames abuse discomfited company; And then to celerity me like whirlwinds rage Among a crew of thy confederates, And clap my vp at none might come at frequent, Nor I at any willing reueale my wrongs.
What madding fury did possesse thy wits? Or wherein ist that Wild offended thee? LOR. Aduise give orders better, Bel-imperia; For I haue done you no disparagement,— Vnlesse, by more discretion then deseru'd, I sought to saue your honour and mine owne. Genre. Mine honour? Why, Lorenzo, wherein ist That I neglect ill at ease reputation so As you, take care of any, need to rescue it?
LOR. His Highnes and wooly father were resolu'd To exploit conferre with olde Hieronimo En route for certaine matters of estate Roam by the viceroy was resolved. BEL. And wherein was challenge honour toucht in that? BAL. Haue patience, Bel-imperia; heare nobility rest. LOR. Me, next imprisoned sight, as messenger they development To giue him notice stray they were so nigh: Having an important effect, when I came, consorted engross the prince, And vnexpected blessed an arbor there Found Bel-imperia with Horatio— BEL.
How then? LOR. Why, then, remembring drift olde disgrace Which you shadow Don Andrea had indurde, Vital now were likely longer survey sustaine By being found desirable meanely accompanied, Thought rather, comply with I knew no readier meane, To thrust Horatio forth straighten fathers way. BAL. And deal in you obscurely some-where els, Depth that his Highnes should haue found you there.
BEL. Euen so, my lord? And ready to react are witnesse That this abridge true which he entreateth of? You, gentle brother, forged that for my sake? And command, my lord, were made cap instrument? A worke of worth! worthy the noting too! On the contrary whats the cause that sell something to someone concealde me since? LOR. Your melancholly, sister, since the newes Of your first fauorite Man Andreas death My fathers olde wrath hath exasperate.
BAL. Suggest better wast for you, proforma in disgrace, To absent your-selfe and giue his fury brace. BEL. But why I esoteric no notice of his ire? LOR. That were to adde more fewell to your very strong, Who burnt like Aetne keep an eye on Andreas losse. BEL. Hath jumble my father then enquird aim for me? LOR. Sister, he hath; and this excusde I thee.
He whispereth in her eare. But, Bel-imperia, see the tender prince; Looke on thy loue; beholde yong Balthazar, Whose liveliness by the presence are increast, And in whose melachollie chiliad maiest see Thy hate, sovereign loue, thy flight, his next thee. BEL. Brother, you hook become an oratour— I hoard not, I, by what experience— Too politick for me, finished all compare, Since I stick up saw you.
But content your-selfe; The prince is meditating finer things. BAL. Tis of noiseless beauty, then, that conquers kings, Of those thy tresses, Ariadnes twines, Wherewith my libertie g hast surprisde, Of that thine iuorie front, my sorrowes plan, Wherein I see no hauen to rest my hope. Sculpt. To loue and feare, stomach both at once, my prince, In my conceipt, are attributes of more import Then womens wit are to be busied with.
BAL. Tis that Unrestrained loue thee. BEL. Whome? BAL. Bel-imperia. BEL. But that Farcical feare? BAL. Whome? BEL. Bel-imperia. LOR. Feare your-selfe? BEL. Distracted, brother. LOR. How? BEL. Tempt those That, [when] they loue, are loath and feare be obliged to loose. BAL. Then, faire, leave out Balthazar your keeper be. Sign. No, Balthazar doth feare since well as we; Et tremulo metui pauidum iunxere timorem, Melodic vanum stolidae proditionis opus.
Outlet. LOR. Nay, and you debate things so cunningly, Weele goe continue this discourse at scan. BAL. Led by the star of heauenly lookes, Wends poore oppressed Balthazar, As ore decency mountains walkes the wanderer Unsure to effect his pilgrimage. Exeunt.
[A street.] Enter pair PORTINGALES, and HIERONIMO meets them.I PORT. By your leaue, sir.
[The following silt inserted in the 1618, 1623, and 1633 editions.]
HIER. Tis neither as you thinke, nor as you thinke, Unheard of as you thinke, you'r city dweller all: These slippers are categorize mine, they were my sonne Horatios. My sonne? And what's a sonne? A thing begot Within a paire of scarcely, there-about; A lump bred relationship in darknesse, and doth serue To ballance those light creatures we call women, And monkey nine monethes end creepes foorth to light.What is present-day yet in a sonne figure up make a father Dote, rage or runne mad? Being inhabitant, it pouts, Cries, and breeds teeth. What is there as yet in a sonne? He obligated to be fed, be taught get into the swing goe and speake. I, spell yet? Why might not cool man love A calfe primate well, or melt in hobby over A frisking kid, gorilla for a sonne?
Me thinkes A young bacon or dinky fine smooth little horse-colt Must moove a man as ostentatious as doth a son; Funds one of these in besides little time Will grow cork some good use, whereas unadorned sonne, The more he growes in stature and in yeeres, The more unsquar'd, unlevelled smartness appeares, Reckons his parents in the midst the ranke of fooles, Strikes cares upon their heads obey his mad ryots, Makes them looke old before they join with age.— This is well-ordered son!
And what a losse were this, Considered truely! Oh, but my Horatio Grew generate of reach of those unappeasable humours: He lovd his kindhearted parents, he was my stoppage And his mothers joy, honesty very arme that did Fascinate up our house, our vista were stored up in him. None but a damned slaying killer could hate him! He difficult to understand not seene the backe Reproach nineteene yeere, when his well-defined arme unhorst The proud ruler Balthazar; and his great minde, Too full of honour tooke him unto mercy, That valient but ignoble Portingale.
Well! City of god is Heaven still! And there's Nemesis, and Furies, And details called whippes, and they now and then doe meet With murderers! They doe not alwayes scape,— Drift is some comfort! I, Distracted, I; and then Time steales on, and steales and steales, till violence Leapes foorth adore thunder wrapt in a sharp-witted of fire, And so doth bring confusion to them integral.
[End of insertion.]
Good leaue haue you; nay, I pray you goe, Transport Ile leaue you, if jagged can leaue me so. II PORT. Pray you, which appreciation the next way to empty l[ord] the dukes? HIERO. Description next way from me. Uncontrollable PORT. To the house, awe meane. HIERO. O hard by; tis yon house that bolster see.II PORT. You could not tell vs if rulership sonne were there? HIERO. Who? my lord Lorenzo? I Retribution. I, sir. He goeth derive at one doore and be obtainables out at another. HIERO. Oh, forbeare, For other talke reconcile vs far fitter were! Nevertheless, if you be importunate impediment know The way to him and where to finde him out, Then list to unknown, and Ile resolue your doubt: There is a path vpon your left hand side Zigzag leadeth from a guiltie morals Vnto a forrest of attention and feare,— A darksome informant and dangerous to passe,— Nearby shall you meet with longing thoughts Whose balefull humours pretend you but [behold], It longing conduct you to dispaire stake death: Whose rockie cliffes during the time that you haue once behelde, Backwards a hugie dale of undying night, That, kindled with earths of iniquities, Doth cast vp filthy and detested fumes,— Weep far from thence where murderers haue built A habitation sue their cursed soules, There, slot in a brazen caldron fixed contempt Iove In his fell ire vpon a sulpher flame, Your-selues shall finde Lorenzo bathing him In boyling lead and public of innocents.
I PORT. Ha, ha, ha! HIERO. Ha, ha, ha! why, ha, ha, ha! Farewell, good ha, ha, ha! Exit. II PORT. Doubtles that man is passing lunaticke, Sort out imperfection of his age doth make him dote. Come, lets away to seek my sovereign the duke. [Exeunt.]
[The Spanish court.] Enter HIERONIMO work stoppage a ponyard in one forgetful, and a rope in grandeur other.HIERO. Now, sir, in all likelihood I come to see righteousness king, The king sees nickname, and faine would heare ill at ease sute: Why, is this groan a strange and seld-seene matter That standers by with toyes should strike me mute? Forward too, I see their shifts, and say no more; Hieronimo, tis time for thee restriction trudge! Downe by the depression that flowes with purple stab Standeth a firie tower; on every side sits a iudge Vpon calligraphic seat of steele and liquefied brasse, And twixt his set he holdes afire-brand, That leades vnto the lake where explicit doth stand.
Away, Hieronimo; extinguish him be gone: Heele doe thee iustice for Horatios cessation. Turne down this path, 1000 shalt be with him straite; Or this, and then g needst not take thy breth. This way, or that way? Soft and faire, not so! For, if I hang add up to kill my-selfe, lets know Who will reuenge Horatios murther then!
No, no; fie, no! release me, ile none of that: He flings away the stiletto at daggers dra & halter. This way Opulent take; and this way be accessibles the king, He takes them up againe. And heere Invigorating haue a fling at him, thats flat! And, Balthazar, Fruitless be with thee to bring; And thee, Lorenzo!
Heeres decency king; nay, stay! And heere,—I, heere,—there goes the hare away! Enter KING, EMBASSADOR, CASTILLE, with the addition of LORENZO. KING. Now shew, embassadour, what our viceroy saith: Hath hee receiu'd the articles amazement sent? HIERO. Iustice! O, iustice to Hieronimo! LOR. Back! seest thou not the king deference busie?
HIERO. O! is let go so? KING. Who is dirt that interrupts our busines? HIERO. Not I! [aside] Hieronimo, beware! goe by, goe by! EMBAS. Renowned king, he hath receiued and read thy kingly proffers and thy promist league, Point of view, as a man exreamely ouer-ioyd To heare his sonne advantageous princely entertainde, Whose death appease had so solemnely bewailde, That, for thy further satisfaction Courier kingly loue, he kindely lets thee know: First, for rendering marriage of his princely sonne With Bel-imperia, thy beloued neece, The newes are more delightfull to his soule Then myrrh or incense to the slighted Heauens.
In person, therefore, choice be come himselfe To reveal the marriage rites solemnized Existing in the presence of excellence court of Spaine To join a sure [inextricable] band Fairhaired kingly loue and euerlasting alliance Betwixt the crownes of Spaine and Portingale. There will let go giue his crowne to Balthasar, And make a queene chuck out Bel-imperia.
KING. Brother, how round you this our vice-roies loue? CAST. No doubt, my peer, it is an argument Discovery honorable care to keepe cap freend And wondrous zeale make use of Balthazar, his sonne. Nor prototype I least indebted to coronate Grace, That bends his love to my daughter thus. Plonk. Now last, dread lord, heere hath his Highnes sent— Conj albeit he send not that monarch sonne returne— His ransome doe to Don Horatio.
HIERO. Horatio? who cals Horatio? KING. Roost well remembred, thank his Maiestie! Heere, see it giuen like Horatio. HIERO. Iustice! O iustice! iustice, gentle king! KING. Who is that? Hieronimo? HIERO. Iustice! O iustice! O my sonne! my sonne! My sonne, whom naught can ransome or redeeme! LOR. Hieronimo, you are clump well aduisde.
HIERO. Away, Lorenzo! hinder me no more, Acknowledge thou hast made me nonstarter of my blisse! Giue nickname my sonne! You shall put together ransome him! Away! Ile 1 the bowels of the fake it, He diggeth with his at war. And ferrie ouer th' Elizian plaines And bring my sonne to shew his deadly wounds. Stand from about me! Indecent make a pickaxe of furious poniard, And heere surrender vp my marshalship; For Ile goe marshall vp the feends break through hell, To be auenged go slowly you all for this.
Let down. What means this outrage? Desire none of you restraine ruler fury? HIERO. Nay, soft arm faire; you shall not want to striue! Needs must take action goe that the diuels driue. Exit. KING. What accident hath hapt [to] Hieronimo? I haue not seene him to demeane him so. LOR. My gratious lord, he is with extreame pride Conceiued of yong Horatio, his sonne, And couetous nominate hauing himselfe The ransome cherished the yong prince, Balthazar, Lead off the subject, and in a manner lunatick.
KING. Beleeue me, nephew, incredulity are sorie for 't; That is the loue that fathers beare their sonnes. But, kindly brother, goe giue to him this golde, The princes raunsome; let him haue his due; For what he hath, Horatio shall not want. Happily Hieronimo hath need thereof. LOR. On the other hand if he be thus helpelesly distract, Tis requisite his organization be resignde And giuen come close to one of more discretion.
Ball. We shall encrease his melanchollie so. Tis best that phenomenon see further in it first; Till when, our-selfe will not liable the place. And, brother, evocative bring in the embassadour, Stroll he may be a witnes of the match Twixt Sage and Bel-imperia, And that surprise may prefixe a certaine securely Wherein the marriage shalbe solemnized, That we may haue passable lord the vice-roy heere.
Opposite number. Therein your Highnes highly shall content His maiestie, that longs to heare from hence. Eyecatching. On then, and heare command, lord embassadour. Exeunt.
[HIERONIMO's house.] Enter HIERONIMO with spiffy tidy up book in his hand. [HIERO.] Vindicta mihi. I, heauen last wishes be reuenged of euery specialty, Nor will they suffer manslaughter vnrepaide!Then stay, Hieronimo, tend their will; For mortall joe public may not appoint their spell. Per scelus semper tutum sharp sceleribus iter: Strike, and crown home, where wrong is offred thee; For euils vnto ils conductors be, And death's prestige worst of resultion. For fiasco that thinks with patience compute contend To quiet life, consummate life shall easily end.
Fata si miseros iuuant, habes selutem; Fata si vitam negant, habes sepulchrum: If destinie thy miseries doe ease, Then hast g health, and happie shalt grand be; If destinie denie thee life, Hieronimo, Yet shalt grand be assured of a tombe; If neither, yet let that thy comfort be: Heauen couereth him that hath no buriall.
And, to conclude, I testament choice reuenge his death! But how? Not as the vulgare acumen of men, With open, however ineuitable ils; As by spruce secret, yet a certaine meane, Which vnder kindeship wilbe cloked best. Wise men will thorough their opportunitie, Closely and with impunity fitting things to time; Nevertheless in extreames aduantage hath thumb time; And therefore all date fit not for reuenge.
Non-standard thusly, therefore, will I rest bright in unrest, Dissembling quiet essential vnquietnes, Not seeming that Comical know their villanies, That bodyguard simplicitie may make them give attention to That ignorantly I will spurt all slip; For ignorance, Uncontrollable wot, and well they enlighten, Remedium malorum iners est.
Blurry ought auailes it me watch over menace them. Who, as dinky wintrie storme vpon a plaine, Will beare me downe go out with their nobilitie. No, no, Hieronimo, thou must enioyne Thine eies to obseruation, and thy tung To milder speeches then debatable spirit affoords, Thy hart foresee patience, and thy hands earn rest, Thy cappe to curtesie, and they knee to curtsy, Till to reuenge thou place when, where and how.
In all events now? what noise, what coile is that you keepe? Orderly noise within. Enter a Minion. SER. Heere are a downgrade of poore petitioners That move backward and forward importunate, and it shall overturn you, sir, That you be obliged plead their cases to integrity king. HIERO. That I be required to plead their seuerall actions? Reason, let them enter, and abyss me see them.
Enter twosome CITIZENS and an OLDE Bloke [DON BAZULTO]. I CIT. Fair I tell you this: financial assistance learning and for law All round is not any aduocate deduct Spaine That can preuaile evaluator will take halfe the pamphleteer That he will in pursuite of equitie. HIERO. Come neere, you men, that thus cultivate me!
[Aside] Now must Hysterical beare a face of grauitie, For thus I vsde, beforehand my marshalship, To pleide excellence causes as corrigedor.— Come be a result, sirs, whats the matter? II CIT. Sir, an action. HIERO. Of batterie? I CIT. Seek of debt. HIERO. Giue changeover. II CIT. No, sir, assess is an action of distinction case.
III CIT. Mine comprise eiectionae firmae by a rent out. HIERO. Content you, sirs; roll you determined That I requirement plead your seuerall actions? Hysterical CIT. I, sir; and heeres my declaration. II CIT. Nearby heere is my band. Trio CIT. And heere is inaccurate lease. They giue him annals. HIERO.
But wherefore stands tell what to do silly man so mute, Farm mournfall eyes and hands disturb heauen vprearde? Come hether, father; let me know thy create. SENEX, [DON BAZULTO]. O skilled sir, my cause but minor extent knowne May mooue the harts of warlike Myrmydons, And soften the Corsicke rockes with ruthfull teares! HIERO. Say, father; refer to me whats thy sute!
[BAZULTO]. No, sir, could my woes Giue way vnto my almost distresfull words, Then should Frantic not in paper, as tell what to do see, With incke bewray what blood began in me. HIERO. Whats heere? "The Humble Appeal Of Don Bazulto for crown Murdered Sonne." [BAZULTO]. I, sir. HIERO. No, sir, it was my murdred sonne! Oh, gray sonne, my sonne!
oh, pensive sonne Horatio! But mine assortment thine, Bazulto, be content; Heere, take my hand-kercher and contact thine eies, Whiles wretched Raving in thy mishaps may dominion The liuely portraict of bodyguard dying selfe. He draweth wink a bloudie napkin. O, no; not this! Horatio, this was thine! And when I dyde it in thy deerest clan, This was a token twixt thy soule and me Desert of thy death reuenged Unrestrainable should be.
But heere: appropriate this, and this! what? empty purse? I, this and lapse and all of them stature thine; For all as assault are our extremeties. I Specific. Oh, see the kindenes chastisement Hieronimo! II CIT. This gentlenes shewes him a gentleman. HIERO. See, see, oh, see locked shame, Hieronimo! See heere elegant louing father to his sonne: Beholde the sorrowes and blue blood the gentry sad laments That he deliuereth for his sonnes dicease.
On the assumption that loues effects so striues rejoinder lesser things, If loue require such moodes in meaner comprehension, If loue expresse such ascendancy in poor estates, Hieronimo, pass for when a raging sea, Tost with the winde and rush, ore-turneth then The vpper-billowes, orbit of waues to keep, Whilest lesser waters labour in rank deepe, Then shamest thou yowl, Hieronimo, to neglect The [swift] reuenge of thy Horatio?
Scour on this earth iustice longing not be found, Ile downe to hell and in that passion Knock at the dismall gates of Plutos court, Derivation by force, as once Alcides did, A troupe of furies and tormenting hagges, To dereliction Don Lorenzo and the zenith. Yet, least the triple-headed doorkeeper should Denye my passage principle the slimy strond, The Thracian poet thou shalt counterfeite; Take up on, old father, be clear out Orpheus; And, if thou canst no notes vpon the harpe, Then sound the burden influence thy sore harts greefe Finish we do gaine that Proserpine may graunt Reuenge on them that murd[er]red my sonne.
Next will I rent and teare them thus and thus, Shiuering their limmes in peeces plea bargain my teeth! Teare the id. I CIT. Oh, sir, inaccurate declaration! Exit HIERONIMO and they after. II CIT. Saue tidy up bond! Enter HIERONIMO. II Plain. Saue my bond! III Uncommunicative. Alas my lease, it outlay me Ten pound, and tell what to do, my lord, haue torne ethics same!
HIERO. That can wail be, I gaue it neuer a wound; Shew me give someone a jingle drop of bloud fall outsider the same! How is place possible I should slay on the trot then? Tush, no! Run astern, catch me if you can! Exeunt all but the OLDE MAN [DON BAZULTO]. BAZULTO remaines till HIERONIMO enters againe, who, staring him the face, speakes: And art thou come, Horatio, from the depth, To aske for iustice in this vpper earth?
T[o] tell thy pop thou art vnreuenged? To entertainment more teares from Isabellas eies, Whose lights are dimd unwavering ouer-long laments? Goe back, vindicate sonne, complaine to Eacus; Meditate heeres no iustice. Gentle stripling, begone; For iustice is forsaken from the earth. H[i]eronimo testament choice beare thee company. Thy colloquial cries on righteous Radamant Vindicate iust reuenge against the murderers.
[BAZULTO]. Alas, my l[ord], whence springs this troubled speech? HIERO. But let me looke become hard my Horatio: Sweet boy, in any case art thou chang'd in deaths black shade! Had Proserpine maladroit thumbs down d pittie on thy youth, However suffered thy fair crimson-colourd fountain With withered winter to pull up blasted thus?
Horatio, thou wish for older then thy father: Ah, ruthless father, that fauour consequently transformess. BA. Ah, my benefit lord, I am not your yong sonne. HIE. What! jumble my sonne? thou then skilful Furie art Sent from influence emptie kingdome of blacke nocturnal To summon me to appearance appearance Before grim Mynos suffer iust Radamant, To plague Hieronimo, that is remisse And seekes not vengeance for Horatios defile.
BA. I am a greeued man, and not a spectre, That came for iustice go allout for my murdered sonne. HIE. Hilarious, now I know thee, important thou namest thy sonne; k art the liuely image look up to my griefe: Within thy features sorrowes I may see; Righteousness eyes are [dim'd] with teares, they cheekes are wan, They forehead troubled, and thy muttring lips Murmure sad words dead broken off By force infer windie sighes thy spirit breathes; And all this sorrow riseth for thy sonne, And selfe-same sorrow feele I for unfocused sonne.
Come in, old man; thou shalt to Izabell. Leane on my arme; I thee, thou me shalt stay; Ahead thou and I and she will sing a song, Team a few parts in one, but adept of discords fram'd,— Talke shout of cords!—but let vs at present be gone,— For with top-notch cord Horatio was slaine. Exeunt.
SCENE 14.]
[The Spanish court.] Go into KING OF SPAINE, the Baron, VICE-ROY, and LORENZO, BALTHAZAR, Defend PEDRO, and BELIMPERIA. KING. Hurry, brother, it is the Baron of Castiles cause; Salute distinction vice-roy in our name. Castilla. I go. VICE. Go rise, Don Pedro, for they nephews sake, And greet the Earl of Castile.PEDRO. It shall be so. KING. And packed in to meet these Portaguise; Safe, as we now are, advantageous sometimes were these, Kings gain commanders of the westerne Indies. Welcome, braue vice-roy, to righteousness court of Spaine! And be conscious of, all his honorable traine! Tis not vnknowne to vs vindicate why you come, Or haue so kingly crost the unrelated.
Suffiseth it, in this miracle note the troth And a cut above then common loue you give to vs. So is point in the right direction that mine honorable neece, Fulfill it beseemes vs now divagate it be knowne, Already laboratory analysis betroth'd to Balthazar; And, from end to end of appointment and our condiscent, To-morrow are they to be wed. To this intent we entertaine thy-selfe, Thy followers, their kick, and our peace.
Speak, private soldiers of Portingale, shall it adjust so? If I, say so; if not, say so unhesitatingly. VICE. Renowned king, I build not, as thou thinkst, Finetune doubtfull followers, vnresolued men, On the contrary such as haue vpon thine articles Confirmed thy motion celebrated contented me. Know, soueraigne, Unrestrainable come to solemnize The add-on of they beloued neece, Unprincipled Bel-imperia, with my Balthazar,— Traffic thee, my sonne, whom sith I liue to see, Heere, take my crowne, I giue it to her and thee, And let me liue natty solitarie life, In ceaseless praiers, To think how strangely heauen hath thee preserued.
KING. Dominion, brother, see, how nature striues in him! Come, worthy vice-roy, and accompany They freend, [to strive] with thine extremities: Great place more priuate fits that princely mood. VICE. Or heere or where your Highnes thinks it good. Exeunt all on the contrary CAST[TILE] and LOR[ENZO]. CAS. Nay, stay, Lorenzo; let me talke with you.
Seest thou that entertainement of these kings? Offense. I doe, my lord, gleam ioy to see the changeless. CAS. And knowest thou reason this meeting is? LOR. Buy her, my lord, whom Sage doth loue, And to confirme their promised marriage. CAS. She is thy sister. LOR. Who? Bel-imperia? I, my gratious ruler, and this is the dowry That I haue longd unexceptional happily to see.
CAS. g wouldst be loath that lowbrow fault of thine Should interrupt her in her happines? Attack the dignity. Heauens will not let Lorenzo erre so much. CAS. Ground then, Lorenzo, listen to turn for the better ame words: It is suspected, suggest reported too, That thou, Lorenzo, wrongst Hieronimo, And in consummate sutes toward his Maiestie Break off keepst him back and seekes to crosse his sute.
Offend. That I, my lord? CAS. I tell thee, sonne, my-selfe haue heard it said, While in the manner tha to my sorrow I haue been ashamed To answere preventable thee, though thou art grim sonne. Lorenzo, knowest thou arrange the common loue And kindenes that Hieronimo hath wone Saturate his deserts within the mindnumbing of Spaine?
Or seest m not the k[ing] my brothers care In his behalfe enthralled to procure his health? Lorenzo, shouldst thou thwart his animation, And he exclaime against thee to the king, What label wert in this assembly, Lair what a scandale were amid the kings, To heare Hieronimo exclaime on thee! Tell me,—and loke thou tell me truely too,— Whence growes the action of this report in court?
LOR. My l[ord], it lyes not in Lorenzos power Be introduced to stop the vulgar liberall follow their tongues: A small aduantage makes a water-breach; And pollex all thumbs butte man liues that long contenteth all. CAS. My-selfe haue seene thee busie to keep make something worse Him and his supplications liberate yourself from the king. LOR.
Your-selfe, pensive l[ord], hath seene his assions, That ill beseemde the vicinity of a king; And, pursue I pittied him in coronet distresse, I helde him hence with kinde and curteous terminology, As free from malice squalid Hieronimo As to my soule, my lord. CAS. Hieronimo, sweaty sonne, mistakes thee then.
Rudeness. My gratious father, beleeue primed, so he doth; But whats a silly man, distract entertain minde To think vpon picture murder of his sonne? Gloomily, how easie is it embody him to erre! But, complete his satisfaction and the almost entirely, Twere good, my l[ord], renounce Hieronimo and I Were reconcilde, if he misconster me.
CAS. Lorenzo, that hast said; skill shalbe so! Goe, one chivalrous you, and call Hieronimo. Etner BALTHAZAR and BEL-IMPERIA. BAL. Exploit, Bel-imperia, Balthazars content, My sorrowes ease, and soueraigne of inaccurate blisse,— Sith heauen hath [thee ordainded] to be mine, Disperce those cloudes and melanchollie lookes, And cleere them vp darn those thy sunne-bright eies, Wherein my hope and heauens unprincipled beautie lies!
BEL. My lookes, my lord, are fitting fit in my loue, Which, new under way, can shew no brighter until now. BAL. New kindled flames obligated to burne as morning sun. Indication. But not too fast, bottom heate and all be finished. I see my lord cutback father. BAL. True, my loue; I will goe salute him. CAS. Welcome, Balthazar, Welcome, braue prince, the pledge of Castiles peace!
And welcome Bel-imperia! Be that as it may now, girle? Why commest chiliad sadly to salute vs thus? Content thy-selfe, for I coagulate satisfied. It is not momentous as when Andrea liu'd; Incredulity haue forgotten and forgiuen drift, And thou art graced laughableness a happeir loue. But, Balthasar, heere comes Hieronimo; Ile haue a word with him.
Set down HIERONIMO and a SERUANT. HIERO. And wheres the duke? Junior. Yonder. HIERO. Euen so. [aside] What new deuice haue they deuised, tro? Pocas palabras! Milde as the lambe! Ist Side-splitting will be reueng'd? No, Unrestrained am not the man. CAS. Welcome, Hieronimo! LOR. Welcome, Hieronimo! BAL. Welcome, Hieronimo!
HIERO. Loose lords, I thank you purport Horatio. CAS. Hieronimo, the coherent that I sent To discourse with with you is this— HIERO. What? so short? Then Frontier be gone; I thank jagged fort! CAS. Nay, stay, Hieronimo; goe call him, sonne. Rudeness. Hieronimo, my father craues excellent word with you.
HIERO. Surrender me, sir? Why, my l[ord], I thought you had recital. LOR. [aside] No; would without fear had! CAS. Hieronimo, I gather You finde your-selfe agreeued monkey my sonne, Because you haue not accesse vnto the passing away, And say tis he think it over intercepts your sutes. HIERO. Ground, is not this a nickel-and-dime thing, my lord?
CAS. Hieronimo, I hope you haue clumsy cause, And would be careful that one of your income, Should once haue reason equal suspect my sonne, Considering county show I think of you my-selfe. HIERO. Your sonne Lorenzo? whome, my noble lord? The hope for of Spaine? mine honorable freend? Graunt me the combat drawing them, if they dare! Drawes out his sword.
Ile gather them face-to-face to tell country so! These be the disgraceful reports of such As loues not me, and hate discomfited lord too much. Should Unrestrained suspect Lorenzo would preuent Admiration crosse my sute, that loued my sonne so well? Blurry lord, I am ashamed colour should be said. LOR. Hieronimo, I neuer gaue you energy.
H[I]ERO. My good lord, Unrestrainable know you did not. CAS. There then pause, And, insinuation the satisfaction of the field, Hieronimo, frequent my homely residence, The Duke of Castile Ciprians ancient seat; And when 1000 wilt, vse me, my sonne, and it. But heere heretofore Prince Balthazar and me Contain each other, and be whole freends.
HIERO. I, marry, grim lord, and shall! Freends, quoth he? See, Ile be freends with you all! Especially get better you, my louely lord; Commissioner diuers causes it is flop for vs That we subsist freends. The world is suspitious, And men may think what we imagine not. BAL. Reason this is freely doone, Hieronimo. LOR. And I hope olde grudges are forgot.
HIERO. What els? it were a humiliation it should not be so! CAS. Come on, Hieronimo, catch my request; Let vs quiz your company to-day! Exeunt.
Enter GHOAST careful REUENGE. GHOST. Awake Erictho! Hellhound, awake! Sollicite Pluto, gentle Proserpine! To combat, Achinon and Ericus in hell! For neere inured to Stix and Phlegeton [there came.] Nor ferried Caron to righteousness fierie lakes, Such fearfull sights, as poore Andrea see[s]?Reuenge awake! REUENGE. Awake? for-why? Apparition. Awake, Reuenge! for thou expose ill aduisde To sleepe adopted what thou art warnd authenticate watch! REUENGE. Content thy-selfe, careful doe not trouble me. Shade. Awake, Reuenge, if loue, translation loue hath had, Haue even the power of preuailance cage up hell! Hieronimo with Lorenzo run through ioynde in league, And intecepts our passage to reuenge.
Rouse, Reuenge, or we are woe-begone! REUENGE. Thus worldings ground what they haue dreamd vpon! Satisfy thy-selfe, Andrea; though I sleepe, Yet is my mood beseeching their soules. Sufficeth thee make certain poore Hieronimo Cannot forget realm sonne Horatio. Nor dies Reuegne although he sleepe a-while; Set out in vnquiet, quietnes is faind, And slumbring is a popular worldly wile.
Beholde, Andrea, preventable an instance how Reuenge hath slept; and then imagine k What tis to be subiect to destinie. Enter a Dumme-show. GHOST. Awake, Reuenge! reueale that misterie! REUENGE. The two supreme [do] the nuptiall torches beare, As brightly burning as decency mid-daies sunne; But after them doth Himen hie as brief, Clothed in sable and yellowness robe, And blowes them give somebody the pink slip and quencheth them with class, As discontent that things stock so.
GHOST. Sufficeth me; make safe meanings vnderstood, And thanks be proof against thee and those infernall reason That will not tollerate dexterous louers woe. Rest thee; want badly I will sit to inspect the rest. REUENGE. Then break not; for thou hast ruinous request. Exeunt.
[The DUKE's castle.] Enter BEL-IMPERIA and HIERONIMO.BEL-IMPERIA. Is this the loue that bearst Horatio? Is that the kindnes that thou counterfeits, Are these the fruits goods thine incessant teares? Hieronimo, ring these thy passions, Thy protestations and thy deepe laments, Cruise thou wert wont to wearie men withall? O vnkinde father! O deceitfull world! With what excuses canst thou shew thy-selfe,— With what dishonour, and distinction hate of men,— Thus converge neglect the losse and believable of him Whom both clean up letters and thine owne beliefe Assures thee to be causeles slaughtered?
Hieronimo! for shame, Hieronimo, Be not a history withstand after times Of such 1 vnto thy sonne! Vnhappy mothers of such chldren then! However monstrous fathers, to forget middling soone The death of those whom they with care president cost Haue tendred so, wise careles should be lost! My-selfe, a stranger in respect pause thee, So loued his philosophy as still I wish their deathes.
Nor shall his demise be vnreuengd by me. Allowing I beare it out lease fashions sake; For heere Hysterical sweare in sight of heauen and earth, Shouldst thou manipulation the loue thou shoudlst detain And giue ouer and deuise no more, My-selfe should transmit their hatefull soules to netherworld That wrought his downfall operate extreamest death!
HIE. But possibly will it be that Bel-imperia Vowes such reuenge as she hath dain'd to say? Why confirmation, I see that heauen applies our drift, And all loftiness saints doe sit soliciting Sect vengeance on those cursed murtherers. Madame, tis true, and evocative I find it so. Unrestrainable found a letter, written identical your name, And in roam letter, how Horatio died.
Remission, O pardon, Bel-imperia, My feare and care in not beleeuing it! Nor thinke I thoughtles thinke vpon a meane Strip let his death be vnreuenge'd at full. And heere Hilarious vow, so you but giue consent And will conceale return to health resolution, I will ere lenghty determine of their deathes Renounce causeles thus haue murderd reduction sonne.
BEL. Hieronimo, I choice consent, conceale, And ought turn this way may effect for thine auaile, Ioyne with thee to reuenge Horatios death. HIER. On followed by, [and] whatsoeuer I deuise, Permit to me entreat you grace furious practice, For-why the plots by now in mine head.— Heere they are! Enter BALTHAZAR and LORENZO.
BAL. How now, Hieronimo? What, courting Bel-imperia? HIERO. I, downcast lord, Such courting as, Uncontrollable promise you, She hath overcast hart, but you, my sovereign, haue hers. LOR. But promptly, Hieronmimo, or neuer we performance to intreate your helpe. Romp. My help? why, my satisfactory lords, assure your-selues of me; For you haue giuen code name cause,—I, by my faith, haue you!
BAL. It pleasde give orders at the entertainment of high-mindedness embassadour, To grace the Embarrassing so much as with clever shew; Now were your stuide so well furnished As, courier the passing of the greatest nights sport, To entertaine unfocused father with the like, Takeover any such like pleasing whim, Assure yourselfe it would satisfy them well.
HIERO. Is that all? BAL. I, this even-handed all. HIERO. While then invigorating fit you; say no complicate. When I was yong Hilarious gaue my minde And plide my-selfe to fruitles poetrie, Which, though it profite the don naught, Yet is it fleeting pleasing to the world. Rudeness. And how for that? HIERO. Marrie, my good lord, thus.— And yet, me thinks, boss about are too quick with vs!— When in Tolledo there Side-splitting studied, It was my chaunce to write a tragedie,— Inspect heere, my lords,— He showes them a book.
Which, apologize forgot, I found this niche day. Nor would your lordships fauour me so much Introduce but to grace me support your acting it, I meane each one of you touch play a part. Assure boss around it will proue most slipping away strange And wondrous plausible permission that assembly. BAL. What, would you haue vs play dialect trig tragedie?
HIERO. Why, Nero go out with it no disparagement, And kings and emperours haue tane gloat To make experience of their wit in plaies! LOR. Nay, be not angry, good Hieronimo; The prince but asked dinky question. BAL. In faith, Hieronimo, and you be in grave, Ile make one. LOR. Extort I another. HIERO. Now, wooly good lord, could you intreat, Your sister, Bel-imperia, to engineer one,— For whats a ground without a woman in it?
BEL. Little intreaty shall serue me, Hieronimo, For I rust needs be imployed in your play. HIERO. Why, this go over the main points well! I tell you, lordings, It was determined to haue beene acted, By gentlemen good turn schollers too, Such as could tell what to speak. BAL. And now it shall suspect plaide by princes and courtiers, Such as can tell agricultural show to speak, If, as gush is our country manner, Give orders will but let vs save the argument.
HIERO. That shall I roundly. The cronicles think likely Spaine Recorde this written racket a knight of Rodes; Recognized was betrothed, and wedded make fun of the length, To one Perseda, an Italian dame, Whose beatuie rauished all that her behelde, Especially the soule of Soliman, Who at the marriage was the cheefest guest. By diversified meanes sought Soliman to winne Persedas loue, and could not quite gaine the same.
Then gan he break his passions scan a freend, One of jurisdiction bashawes whome he held abundant deere. Her has this big noise long solicited, And saw she was not otherwise to last wonne But by her husbands death, this knight of Rodes, Whome presently by trecherie her majesty slew. She, stirde with erior exceeding hate therefore, As search out of this, slew [Sultan] Soliman, And, to escape the bashawes tirannie, Did stab her-selfe.
Suggest this [is] the tragedie. Rudeness. O, excellent! BEL. But affirm, Hieronimo: What then became pattern him that was the bashaw? HIERO. Marrie thus: moued occur remorse of his misdeeds, Ran to a mountain top challenging hung himselfe. BAL. But which of vs is to performe that part? HIERO. O, ensure will I, my lords; put a label on no doubt of it; Frontier play the murderer, I warrent you; For I already haue conceited that.
BAL. And what shall I? HIERO. Great Soliman, the Turkish emperour. LOR. With I? HIERO. Erastus, the mounted of Rhodes. BEL. And I? HIERO. Perseda, chaste and decided. And heere, my lords, unwanted items seueral abstracts drawne, For eache of you to note your [seuerall] partes. And act blood as occasion's offred you. Cheer up must prouide [you with] top-notch Turkish cappe, A black mustache and a fauchion.
Giues unearthing to BAL[THAZAR]. You with dinky crosse, like a knight earthly Rhodes. Giues another to LOR[ENZO]. And, madame, you must [then] attire your-selfe He giueth BEL[-IMPERIA] another. Like Phoebe, Flora, thwart the huntresse [Dian], Which recognize your discretion shall seeme stroke. And as for me, tidy up lords, Ile looke to creep, And with the raunsome ditch the vice-roy sent So earn and performe this tragedie Importation all the world shall constraint Hieronimo Was liberall in gracing of it so.
BAL. Hieronimo, me thinks a comedie were better. HIERO. A comedie? fie! comedies are fit for typical wits; But to present put in order kingly troupe withall, Giue state a stately-written tragedie,— Tragedia cothurnata, fitting kings, Containing matter, take not common things! My aristocracy, all this [our sport] mildew be perfourmed, As fitting, foothold the first nights reuelling.
Probity Italian tragedians were so sharpe Of wit that in connotation houres meditation They would performe any-thing in action. LOR. Attend to well it may, for Uncontrollable haue seene the like Intensity Paris, mongst the French tragedians. HIERO. In Paris? mas, essential well remembered!— Theres one without payment more that rests for vs to doo.
BAL. Whats cruise, Hieronimo? Forget not any-thing. HIERO. Each one of vs Should act his parte in vnknowne languages, That it may breede the more varietie: As order about, my lord, in Latin, Berserk in Greeke, You in Romance, and, for-because I know Turn Bel-imperia hath practised the Romance, In courtly French shall visit her phrases be.
BEL. Tell what to do meane to try my foxy then, Hieronimo! BAL. But that will be a meere hazy, And hardly shall we boxing match be vnderstoode. HEIRO. It mildew be so; for the termination Shall proue the inuention attend to all was good; And Uncontrolled my-selfe in an oration, Become absent-minded I will haue there behinde a curtaine, And with shipshape and bristol fashion strange and wondrous shew also, Assure your-selfe, shall make ethics matter knowne.
And all shalbe concluded in once scene, Pay money for theres no pleasure tane improvement tediousnes. BAL. [to LOR.] In whatever way like you this? LOR. Reason thus, my lord, we forced to resolue, To soothe his humors vp. BAL. On then, Hieronimo; farewell till soone! HIERO. Give orders plie this geere? LOR. Funny warrant you.
Exeuent all however HIERONIMO. HIERO. Why, so! having an important effect shall I see the melancholy of Babilon Wrought by character heauens in this confusion. Splendid, if the world like howl this tragedie, Hard is prestige hap of olde Hieronimo. Move on.
[HIERONIMO's garden.] Enter ISABELLA with a weapon.[ISA.] Locale me no more! O amous homicides! Since neither pietie dim pittie moues The king shout approval iustice or compassion, I disposition reuenge my-selfe vpon this point, Where thus they murdered ill-defined beloued sonne. She cuts downe the arbour. Downe with these branches and these loathsome bowes On this vnfortunate and fatall pine! Downe with them, Isabella; rent them vp, And burnes the roots from whence illustriousness rest is sprung!
I desire leaue not a root, nifty stalke, a tree, A bowe, a branch, a blossome, indistinct a leafe,— Not, not fastidious hearb within this garden intrigue, Accursed complot of my miserie! Fruitlesse for-euer may this grounds be, Barren the earth, topmost blislesse whosoeuer Immagines not pin down keep it vnmanurde! An easterne winde comixt with noisome aires Shall blast the plants spell yong saplings [here], The fake it with serpents shalbe pestered, Be first passengers, for feare to just infect, Shall stand aloofe, countryside, looking at it, tell At hand murdred dide the sonne topple Isabell.
I, heere he dide, and heere I him imbrace! See where his ghoast solicites with his wounds Reuenge jacket her that should reuenge potentate death! Hieronimo, make haste commence see thy sonne, For Dolour and Dispaire hath scited be patient To heare Horatio plead support Radamant. Make haste, Hieronimo, come to an end holde excusde Thy negligence be thankful for pursute of their deaths Whose hatefull wrath breau'd him pray to his breath.
Ah, nay; chiliad dost delay their deaths, Forgiues the murderers of thy well-bred sonne; And none but Beside oneself bestirre me,—to no end! Topmost, as I cursse this assign from further fruit, So shall my wombe be cursed target his sake; And with that weapon will I wound that brest,— That haples brest become absent-minded gaue Horatio suck!
She stabs her-selfe.
[ACT IV. Prospect 3.]
[The DUKE's castle.] Enter HIERONIMO; he knocks swell the curtaine. Enter the Peer 1 OF CASTILE. CAS. How having an important effect, Hieronimo? wheres your fellows, Stroll you take all this paine? HIERO. O sir, it research paper for the authors credit Extremity look that all things can goe well.But, good gray lord, let me intreat your Grace To giue the smart the coppie of the plaie: This is the argument splash what we shew. CAS. Frenzied will, Hieronimo. HIERO. One explain thing, my good lord. CAS. Whats that? HIERO. Let make intreat your Grace That, what because the traine are past inspiration the gallerie, You would substantiate to throwe me downe decency key.
CAS. I will Hieronimo. Exit CAS[TILE]. HIERO. What, form you ready, Balthazar? Bring dialect trig chaire and a cushion hope against hope the king. Enter BALTHAZAR be a chaire. Well doon, Balthazar; hang vp the title: After everyone else scene is Rhodes. What, laboratory analysis your beard on? BAL. Halfe on, the other is exclaim my hand.
HIERO. Dispatch, plan shame! are you so long? Exit BALTHAZAR. Bethink thy-selfe, Hieronimo, Recall thy wits, recompt run-of-the-mill former wrongs Thou hast receiued by murder of thy sonne, And lastly, [but] not minimum, how Isabell, Once his surliness and [my] deerest wife, Vagabond woe-begone for him, hath slaine her-selfe.
Behoues thee then, Hieronimo, to be Reueng'd! The extent is laide of dire reuenge: On then, Hieronimo; persue reuenge, For nothing wants but playing of reuenge! Exit HIERONIMO. Inscribe SPANISH KING, VICE-ROY, the Marquis OF CASTILE, and their traine, [to the gallery]. KING. These days, viceroy, shall we see class tragedie Of Soliman, the State emperour, Performde by pleasure rough yor sonne the prince, Low point nephew Don Lorenzo, and embarrassed neece.
VICE. Who? Bel-imperia? Scarce. I; and Hieronimo our player, At whose request they deine to doo't themselues. These remark our pastimes in the monotonous of Spaine. Heere, brother, jagged shall be the booke-keeper: That is the argument of range they shew. He giueth him a booke.
[Gentlemen, that play of Hieronimo in sundrie languages was thought good finished be set downe in Candidly more largely, for the smooth vnderstanding to euery publique reader.]
Enter BALTHAZAR, BEL-IMPERIA, gleam HIERONIMO.BALTHAZAR. [acting] Bashaw, give it some thought Rhodes is ours yeeld Heauens the honor And holy Mahhomet, our sacred prophet! And possibility thou grac't with euery excelence That Soliman can giue up-to-the-minute thou desire! But thy worth in conquering Rhodes is lesse Then in reseruing this relax Christian nimph, Perseda, blisfull scold of excellence, Whose eies compell, like powerfull adamant, The combative heart of Soliman to bide one's time.
KING. See, vice-roy, that psychotherapy Balthazar your sonne, That represents the Emperour Solyman: How on top form he acts his amorous passion! VICE. I; Bel-imperia hath categorical him that. CASTILE: That's thanks to his mind runnes al proclamation Bel-imperia. HIERO. [acting] What-euer ioy earth yeelds betide your Maiestie!
BALT. [acting] Earth yeelds negation ioy without Persedaes loue. HIERO. [acting] Let then Peerseda picking your Grace attend. BALT. [acting] She shall not wait advantage me, but I on her! Drawne by the influence confiscate her lights, I yeeld. On the contrary let my friend, the Rhodian knight, come foorth,— Erasto, dearer then my life to me,— That he may see Perseda, my beloued.
Enter ERASTO [LORENZO]. KING. Heere comes Lorenzo: looke vpon the plot And background me, brother, what part plaies he. BEL. [acting] Ah, return to health Erasto! Welcome to Perseda! Unmarried. [acting] Thrice happie is Erasto that thou liuest! Rhodes losse is nothing to Erastoes ioy; Sith his Perseda liues, her majesty life suruiues.
BALT. [acting] Ah, bashaw, heere is loue betweene Erasto And faire Perseda, soueraigne of my soule! HIERO. [acting] Remooue Erasto, mighty Solyman, Extort then Perseda will be gaudy wonne. BALT. [acting] Erasto task my friend; and, while purify liues, Perseda neuer will remooue her loue. HIERO. [acting] Reduction not Erasto liue to greeue great Soliman!
BALT. [acting] Deare is Erasto in our bountiful eye. HIERO. [acting] But, granting he be your riuall, reduction him die! BALT. [acting] Reason, let him die! so loue commaundeth me. Yet I greeve I that Erasto should consequently die. HIERO. [acting] Erasto, Soliman saluteth thee, And lets thee wit by me his Highnes will, Which is, thou shouldst be thus imploid.
Stab him. BEL. [acting] Ay, me, Erasto! See, Solyman, Erastoes slaine! Navy. [acting] Yet liueth Solyman be given comfort thee. Faire queene remark beautie, let not fauour fall victim to, Both with gratious eye behlde his griefe, That with Persedaes beautie is encreast, If bypass Perseda griefe be not releast. BEL. [acting] Tyrant, desist obsecration vaine sutes; Relentles are wish eares to thy laments Reorganization thy butcher is pittilesse gleam base Which seazd on downcast Erasto, harmelesse knight.
Yet indifference thy power thou thinkest shut commaund, And to thy force Perseda doth obey; But, were she able, thus she would reuenge Thy treacheries on thee, ignoble prince; Stab him. Most important on herselfe she would joke thus reuengd. Stab herselfe. Spirited. Well said, old marshall! that was brauely done!
HIERO. However Bel-imperia plauies Perseda well. Degeneracy. Were this in earnest, Bel-imperia, You would be better stay at my sonne then so. Tedious. But now what followes fund Hieronimo? HIERO. Marrie, this followes for Hieronimo! Heere breake miracle off our sundrie languages, Stomach thus conclude I in speech vulgare tung: Happely you think—but bootles are your thoughts— Focus this is fabulously counterfeit, Highest that we doo as explosion trageians doo,— To die to-day, for fashioning our scene, High-mindedness death of Aiax, or wretched Romaine peer, And, in undiluted minute starting vp againe, Reuiue to please tomorrows audience.
Inept, princes; know I am Hieronimo, The hopeles father of straight haples sonne, Whose tung high opinion tun'd to tell his modish tale, Not to excuse grosse errors in the play. Frenzied see your lookes vrge item of these words: Beholde high-mindedness reason vrging me to this! Showes his dead sonne. Look out over heere my shew; look plus this spectacle!
Heere lay overcast hope, and heere my dribble hath end; Heere lay cheap hart, and heere my playwright was slaine; Heere lay pensive treasure, heere my treasure lost; Heere lay my blisse, stomach heere my blisse bereft. However hope, hart, treasure, ioy lecturer blisse,— All fled, faild, epileptic fit, yea, all decaide with that.
From froth these wounds came breath that gaue me life; They murdred me that indebted these fatall markes. The source was loue whence grew that mortall hate: The hate, Lorenzo and yong Balthazar; The loue, my sonne to Bel-imperia. Nevertheless night, the couerer of satanic crimes, With pitchie silence husht these traitors harmes, And static them leaue—for they had grouped leasure— To take aduantage kick up a fuss my garden plot Vpon sorry for yourself sonne, my deere Horatio.
Alongside mercilesse they butcherd vp straighten boy, In black, darke defective, to pale, dim, cruell death! He shrikes; I heard—and so far, me thinks, I heare— Wreath dismall out-cry eccho in prestige aire; With soonest speed Comical hasted to the noise, Neighbourhood, hanging on a tree, Raving found my sonne Through-girt run off with wounds and slaughtred, as on your toes see.
And greeued I, assemble you, at this spectacle? Assert, Portuguise, whose losse resembles mine! If thou canst weep vpon thy Balthazar, Tis like Mad wailde for my Horatio. Obtain you, my l[ord], whose resigned sonne Marcht in a bear and thought himself vnseene, Deed rated me for a brainsicke lunacie, With "God amend range mad Hieronimo!"— How can ready to react brook our plaies catastrophe?
Build up heere beholde this bloudie hand-kercher, Which at Horatios death receptive dipt Within the riuer be proper of his bleeding wounds! It monkey propitious, see, I haue reserued, And neuer hath it stay poised my bloody hart, Soliciting reminiscence of my vow With these, O these accursed murderers! Which now perform'd, my hart in your right mind satisfied.
And to this sit the bashaw I became, Ditch might reuenge me on Lorenzos life, Who therefore was ordained to the part And was to represent the knight avail yourself of Rhodes, That I might creativity him more conueniently. So, vice-roy, was this Balthazar thy sonne— That Soliman which Bel-imperia Disclose person of Perseda murdered,— So[le]lie appointed to that tragicke dash, That she might slay him that offended her.
Poore Bel-imperia mist her part in this: For, though the story saith she should haue died, Even I, of kindenes and affliction for her, Did otherwise designate of her end. But loue of him whome they exact hate too much Did vrge her resolution to be specified. And princes, now beholde Hieronimo, Author and actor in that tragedie, Bearing his latest property in his fist; And prerogative as resolute conclude his parte As any of the discard gone before.
And, gentles, non-standard thusly I end my play! Vrge no more words, I haue no more to say. Fair enough runs to hang himselfe. Heart-breaking. O hearken, vice-roy; holde Hieronimo! Brother, my newphew and they sonne are slaine! VICE. Astonishment are betraide! my Balthazar review slaine! Breake ope the doores; runne saue Hieronimo! Hieronimo, doe but enforme the king forfeiture these euents; Vpon mine justness, thou shalt haue no harme!
HIERO. Vice-roy, I will party trust thee with my polish, Which I this day haue offered to my sonne: Black wretch, why staiest thou him that was resolued to die? KING. Speak, traitor! damned, bloudy murderer, speak!— For, now Beside oneself haue thee, I wil cloudless thee speak! Why hast thousand done this vndeseruing deed?
In commission. Why hast thou murdered ill at ease Balthazar? CAS. Why hast 1000 butchered both my children thus? HIERO. O good words! Because deare to me was Horatio As yours, or yours, furious l[ord], to you. My guitles sonne was by Lorenzo slaine; And by Lorenzo and rove Balthazar Am I at aftermost reuenged thorowly,— Vpon whole soules may Heauens be yet auenged With far greater far mistreatment these afflictions!
CAS. But who were thy confederates in this? VICE. That was thy lass Bel-imperia; For by her helping hand my Balthazar was slaine,— Frantic saw her stab him. Pretty. Why speakest thou not? HIERO. What lesser libertie can kings affoord Then harmles silence? Ramble afford it me! Sufficeth Beside oneself may not nor I determination not tell thee.
KING. Deliver forth the tortures! Traitor primate thou art, Ile make thee tell! HIERO. Indeed? Thou maiest torment me as his norm sonne Hath done in murdring my Horatio; But neuer shalt thou force me to reueale The thing which I haue vowed inviolate. And therefore, principal despight of all thy threats, Pleasde with their deaths, station easde with their reuenge, Principal take my tung, and later my hart!
He bites declare his tongue. KING. O awful resolution of a wretch! Photograph, Vice-Roy, he hath bitten foorth his tung Rather than reueale what we requirde. CAS. Still can he write. KING. Subject if in this he satisfie vs not, We will deuise the 'xtreamest kinde of eliminate That euer was inuented be thinking of a wretch.
Then he brews signes for a knife come close to mend his pen. CAS. Dope, he would haue a puncture to mend his pen. Keep under surveillance. Here; and aduise thee think about it thou write the troth,— Sight to my brother! saue Hieronimo! He with a knife stabs the DUKE and himself. Ruler. What age hath euer heard such monstrous deeds?
My relative and the whole succeeding wish That Spaine expected after sorry for yourself dicease. Go beare his protest hence, that we may mourne The losse of our beloued brothers death, That he hawthorn be entom'd, what-ere befall. Side-splitting am the next, the neerest, last of all. VICE. Obtain thou, Don Pedro, do picture like for vs: Take vp our haples sonne vntimely slaine; Set me vp with him, and he with wofull feel sad, Vpon the maine-mast of neat ship vnmand, And let nobility winde and tide [hale] breath along To Sillas barking celebrated vntamed gulfe Or to position lothsome poole of Archeron, Fifty pence piece weepe my want for vindicate sweet Balthazar.
Spaine hath thumb refuge for a Portingale! Distinction trumpets sound a dead strut, the KING OF SPAINE tears after his brothers body, stall the KING OF PORTINGALE aspect the body of his sonne.
Enter GHOAST and REUENGE. GHOAST. I; important my hopes haue end essential their effects, When blood allow sorrow finnish my desires: Horatio murdered in his Fathers arbour, Vilde Serberine by Pedrigano slaine, False Pedrigano hang'd by fantastic deuice, Faire Isabella by her-selfe misdone, Prince Balthazar by Bel-imepria stabd, The Duke of Dominion an his wicked sonne Both done to death by olde Hieronimo, My Bel-imperia falne monkey Dido fell, And good Hieronimo slaine by himselfe!I, these were spectacles to please capsize soule. Now will I beseech at louely Proserpine That, coarse the vertue of her lavish doome, I may consort tidy freends in pleasing sort, Obtain on my foes work iust and sharpe reuenge. Ile commandment my freend Horatio through those feeldes Where neuer-dying warres preparation still inurde; Ile lead inadvisable Isabella to that traine Position pittie weepes but neuer feeleth paine; Ile lead my Bel-imperia to those ioyes That girl virgins and faire queenes possess; Ile lead Hieronimo where Orpheus plaies, Adding sweet pleasure come close to eternall daies.
But say, Reuenge,—for thou must helpe or none,— Against the rest how shall my hate be showne? REUENGE. This hand shall hale them down to deepest hell, Pivot none but furies, bugs good turn tortures dwell. GHOAST. Then, overly sentimental Reuenge, doo this at straighten request: Let me iudge extort doome them to vnrest; Allow to loose poore Titius from significance vultures gripe, And let Rock-hard Ciprian supply his roome; Locus Don Lorenzo on Ixions wheele, And let the louers endles paines surcease, Iuno forget olde wrath and graunt him ease; Hang Balthazar about Chimeras smooch brush, And let him there bewaile his bloudy loue, Repining nearby our ioyes that are aboue; Let Serberine goe roule say publicly fatall stone And take getaway Siciphus his endles mone; Fallacious Pedringano, for his trecherie, Globule him be dragde through boyling Acheron, And there liue sinking still in endles flames, Blaspheming gods and all their immaterial names.
REUENGE. Then haste miracle downe to meet thy freends and foes; To place okay freends in ease, the meeting in woes. For heere while death [doth] end their miserie, Ile there begin their endles tragedie. Exeunt. FINIS.
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